chapter 22

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Austin's p.o.v :

Just one more day,then i can go back to where my whole life is

My mom, Becky,my friends

Life's not about having a lot of money, it's not about showing off, hurting each other, breaking someone's heart or distroying someone's life

It's all about finding peace around people you love

(Sentence above is Inspired by Damon's speech, btw the TVD finale was so sad,poor stefan😭,i cried alot
Lol now back to the story)

I literally can't wait any other minute to be around them, feel them by my side

That's what happiness means to me

The day is almost over,gosh why does time move like a snail when you want it to go by fast??

It's like you hear every tik tak, you count every second and it's the most unpleasant feeling ever exist on the Earth

The sun just went down and it made a twilight

The guys were busy preparing the weapons and training in our armory

I've been sitting outside tapping my feet nonstop,i usually do this when I'm nervous

Becky texted me this morning that she couldn't find her charger and her phone might die any time

It's almost afternoon by now,she promised me to call me when she could charge her phone, should i be worried?

I closed my eyes trying to get calm
Deep breathe
Deeeeep breathhheeee

I tapped my feet even faster than before

I waited more hours, went inside trying to distract myself

I waited more hours, went inside trying to distract myself

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"9:07 p.m" I turned my phone on

That's it I'm done waiting I'm gonna call her now

I grabbed my phone, pulled my hoddie over my head and went​ out

*Dialling her number*

Not​ answering

*Dialling again*

Nothing again

*Dialling again* i clenched my fist trying to think positive

Going straight to voicemail

"Hey it's Becky, leave a message"

Damn it,her voice is making me more nervous

I hung up,dialed my mom's number




She should've picked up by now

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