Chapter 31

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Becky's p.o.v:


oh my god

I thought i was gonna die an hour ago now look what happened

I am blessed

Super blessed

I couldn't stop smiling the whole time

We had a lot of time for about an hour. We talked. We danced. Shared some toasts

But it was getting pretty late by then

Everyone started saying their goodbyes and taking some stuff home with them

I walked over to Austin which was talking to the boys

I put my left hand on his right shoulder

He took a quick glance at me and smiled

"How's my wife doing?" He asked


"She's doing fucking amazing"i giggled

All the boys laughed

"Aw guys! I can't believe you two are married now"Robert pretended to be emotional

"Yeah heart's too weak for this look at you-"Zach interrupted himself by fake crying

I just rolled my eyes

What would i do without them

"Ok ok! I don't want my wife to see me cry so please stop it"Austin warned them

He keeps calling me 'my wife' and i ain't complaining lol

The boys said goodbyes and made their way to the cars

He turned to me and pecked on my lips "ok babe they'll take you home"


"You're not coming?" I asked surprised

He shook his head

"I have some business to do"he added

"At this hour?" I raised my eyebrow

He smiled

"Don't worry babygirl, i promised not to be apart from you for the rest of my life and i intend to keep that promise." he smiled and pulled me towards him with his hand

I smiled so damn hard

Our faces were close

"Somehow i don't really find that entirely convincing Mr Mahone"i whispered

"You better trust me Mrs Mahone"he smirked

So i smashed my lips to his

How much i missed this
His soft gentle lips.

I can't even believe this is real
How lucky i am

Then i remembered our fight yesterday and how close i was

to lose him.
To never be able to see his hazel eyes.
To never kissing his lips and feeling his curls around my fingers

I brought my hands to his neck and sucked more into the kiss grabbing his curls

I heard him moaning so i smiled through the kiss

He pulled me closer

I missed his hands on me
I can never get enough
Wish we were in a room now
The things i would to do him...

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