Chapter 1

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Your POV

I rummage my drawer, eventually pulling out a long white t-shirt with my favorite band on it. I take out black jeans, and a f/c beanie. After slipping the clothing on, I head towards the front door. Stepping outside, I lock the door behind me and head toward Jake's house- he'd texted me earlier that he's got a present for my birthday.  I turn in the direction of his house and start walking towards it. It isn't very far, just a few houses down. Walking up the driveway, I see two more cars parked. Maybe he invited more people over? I let myself in with the spare key Jake had given me a few months ago, on our half year anniversary of being a couple. I smiled thinking back to that day. 

I close the door behind me, and walk into the living room. B/F (Best Friend) is standing at the counter, not facing the other two. I look around for Jake, and when I see him, I drop the keys. 

Another girl sits on him, their lips touching. 

When Jake hears the keys hit the floor, his head jerks towards me. As his brown eyes widen, mine threaten to spill tears. He shoves the girl off him, and I can see her face. My one and only enemy - E/N (Enemy's Name). She sits up, smirking at me. 

Jake bolts from the couch, heading towards me. I do what I do best - run. I turn and run for the door, tears sliding down my face. Just as I am about to reach the front door, a hand closes around my wrist, forcing me to turn back to look at Jake. His eyes are wide.

"Y/N, please... I-I didn't..." he whispers.

"You didn't what? Kiss my worst enemy? Well, you did." I cried.

"I-I know, but... I didn't- I didn't mean to... I didn't want to!"

"Let me go."

"Please believe me, Y/N..."

"Let me go..." I whisper, looking anywhere but his eyes. Jake closes his eyes and lets go. Silently, I open the front door and walk out. I don't head home, instead to the library. Maybe, just maybe, I could loose myself in fictional worlds, and forget all about today. 

Walking down the street, I open the Siri app on my phone and ask for the directions to the nearest book store. Just a few blocks away. 

-Time Skip-

I stand in line with three new books and a bobble-head toy. I decided to add to my ever growing collection of fiction character bobble-heads, so I got the new release of Percy and Annabeth replicas. They even put in the grey strand of hair for Annabeth. I wonder if they made one for Nico...

The line moves forward, and the cashier calls for the next person.

"Next!" I walk forward and put my books on the table she's standing in front of. She looks at me eyes, which are still red from crying. "Breakup?" the girl asks, and sadly smiles when I nod. She rings up my items, and looks back up at me. "I gave you a little discount. Feel better soon."

"Thanks." I try to smile, and grab my bag of items. She waves at me when I walk out the doors, already starting one of the books. 

--Another Time Skip, It's Just Walking... --

I've read about 20 pages of the book,  and I still haven't made it to my house yet. I must of taken a few wrong turns, so I take my phone out again. 

"Siri, could I have the directions to *your address*?" I asked. Siri complied, and gave me directions to my house. I multitask, reading and listening to Siri at the time. 

All of the sudden, I walk straight into something, and fall backward onto my bum. I look up at who I ran into. Instead of seeing the normal person roaming the streets, I see someone rather.... dark. 

A freakishly tall man with a long face with slicked back black hair, wearing a long black robe that fell to the ground. His golden eyes stare down at me in amazement, like he'd just found a mythical creature. 

"S-Sorry..." I mutter. I stand and brush off imaginary dust- I don't really know why I do that, though. I walk over to my scattered books, and going to pick up the closest book, I still feel those eyes staring at me. I look back at the man, confused. 

"Uh... is something wrong?" I ask. He looks over his shoulder, like he expects to see someone there. Looking back at me, I see a hint of disbelief. 

"You can see me." he laughed darkly. I realize this guy means bad news, so I stand up and start running. I hear him following behind me, and decide to scream. I turn sharply on a corner, and all of the lights lining the streets flicker out, leaving me in the dark. 

Why now of all times is there a black out?! 

Suddenly, he appears in front of me, and I don't stop in time. The man grabs hold of me, muffling my screams. I try kicking and clawing at him, but he doesn't faze even a little. i am thrown onto a pitch black horse. But it has no eyes. Instead, there are two half crescent orbs of gold. I squeeze my eyes closed, wishing it was all a dream. 

I feel the air get colder, and opened one eye. I nearly stop breathing when I see that we are above the ground. Above the houses. 

"Scare of heights, are we?" the dark man questions. I gulp, and he notices. In response, he orders the horse to bring us higher. I watch in horror as the houses get smaller....smaller..... and non-existent. 

"Oh... my... god...." I whisper shakily before passing out completely. 

Author's Note:


Never thought I would bring in Pitch in the first chapter..........

And as usual, I;m to awkward to say anything else, so...... bye!


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