Away from the crowd [MARCH 2014]

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Gemma and Keira are best friends. No-not just best friends, they've basically been one since birth.

Boys kiss the ground they walk on, begging for a date and girls send them countless gifts to recieve even half a friendship from them.

For one simple reason- they're gorgeous. Drop-dead fricking gorgeous. They are probably the most popular girls in the city- no, wait the country.

Gemma and Keira are possibly what every girl wants to be and what every guy wants to date. They're supermodels, rich and gorgeous.

But they hate it. The fame, the attention, the money. The way everything is handed to them on a gold platter and fed to them with a silver spoon.

One tiny vacation could turn they're lives upside down.

Five guys. Two girls. One month.

Away from the crowd.

What could go wrong?

Away from the crowd [APRIL 12TH 2014]Where stories live. Discover now