The perfect family

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It was the middle of the night when Abby woke up. She sat up disappointed, thinking
about the dream she had. In her mind it was so vivid, she thought it may have been real.
     Abby’s dream was about her parents, who had left her at the orphanage when she
was a toddler. Being so young, she still remembered them, and from time to time she
wondered why they did it. Did they not want her? Was she bad?

    Maybe they just couldn't
take care of her. Thinking of this made Abby depressed, so she tried not to think about it.
The small girl leaves her room, which she shared with seven other children, to ask
one of the caretakers for a drink.

    “Aunty May?” Abby walked into the room where the women in black dresses read.

    “Yes darling?” said the elderly nun.

   “Could I have a glass of water? Please?” asked the girl, shamefully. She knew she
wasn't supposed to leave her bedroom when it gets dark out.

    “Of course darling, anything for you.” Aunt May walked into a room leading off the
library. Abby sat in the room filled with books. She wondered if her favorite one was in
here. Abby walks over to titles that start with A.

    A Series of Unfortunate Events, Apollo, here we are, Anne of Green Gables. This book
had been her favorite ever since she could read. Abby cracked open the book and started to
read out loud.

    “Mrs Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little
hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops, and traversed by a brook that had its source
away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it
was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook in its earlier course through those
woods, with dark secrets of pool and cascade; but-”

   “Here you are dear, one glass of water.” Auntie May interrupted her. Abby sat the
book down and walked over to the woman. She takes the glass out her hand and takes a sip
of the water, practically inhaling the liquid. She takes her lips off the empty glass and hands
it to the woman.

    “Thank you.” Abby says. She heads off to bed

    “Abby? Abby wake up! A family is coming before breakfast to adopt somebody!”

     Abby’s eyes fluttered open, the sun peeking through the window lit up the room in the
most beautiful way. She could hear birds singing a song to alert all of the of the animals of
the daylight. The girl looked over to where the voice that woke her up came from. Only to
see her only friend in the world, Rose.

     “Get dressed silly! The people will be here any minute!” she ran out of the room,
giving Abby some privacy.

      “What should I wear today?” Abby asked herself. She got up off the bed the was sitting on and walked to a large wooden dresser that was painted white. Abby opened the drawer with her name on it, put there by a cruddy label-maker, and pulled out a light blue dress with yellow Polka-Dots. She slipped on the clothing and raced out of the room, excitedly.

   Abby walked out to the common room where all the girls were swarming the couple. She knew she had no chance of being adopted, so she sat over to the side and
waited patiently for breakfast to start. But that was all about to change. The couple looked
and pointed at Abby. The couple dodged their way around around the swarm of little girls,
and walked up to her.

    “Hello?” asked the wife. “What is your name?”


   “Hello Abby. My name is Charlie, and this is my husband, Peter.” said the woman

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