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"You're a bitch!" Lilly shouted, greeting me as I stepped into the school. Hunter was a few feet behind me and Michaels had already entered the building, but was now turned around watching.

"What?" I asked, looking at my best friend, confusion written all over my face.

"You lied! You straight up lied to me! You're fucking him!" She shouted again, louder than before.

"Lilly-" Michaels started, but she cut him off.

"You're supposed to tell me these things! Do you know how much it hurt having to find out from a fucking tabloid? Do you know how many people this hurt?" Hunter grabbed my waist in a comforting fashion, Lilly staring harshly. "You're a fucking bitch."

"'And you're pregnant." I spat back. "Big secret's out Lil."

"No I'm not." She said, her voice lowering to an almost whisper.

"Yes you are. You wanna talk about secrets-"

"I'm not pregnant Em."

"You were when I left."

"Well I'm not." She stated coldly before shoving past me, heading towards the parking lot.

"Okay what the hell happened with her? I was gone for two days." I asked Michaels as we headed towards the ASB room. Hunter caught up to me and grabbed my hand comfortingly as we approached the room which held the two bands, awaiting their leader.

"Look who's back. It's Romeo and Juliet!" Matt, Hunter's bass player announced loudly, capturing the attention of everyone.

"What are you-" Hunt started, but he was cut off by Rian, who did not look happy.

"What the hell guys? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Ri-it's not that easy-" I started.

"It's not?" Zack piped up. "You couldn't just tell us 'hey I'm dating Hunter now'?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Why not?" Andy, another member of Hunter's band, asked.

"Because we knew how you guys would take it." Hunter answered.

"You guys hated each other!" Alex said loudly, the others agreeing. Michaels entered the room, silencing the group.

"Guys, practice now."


"Hunt- I don't know how we can do this." I sighed, pacing in front of Hunter. Practice was long over but I had to stay and let the stage builders in.


"They hate it, Hunt. My best friends, your band. They hate us."

"They don't hate us, they hate that we're together."

"Exactly. Hunt, I don't know how I can do this. These guys have been my best friends for forever."

"Em, no-"

"Hunter-" I paused, tears gracing my eyes, "I think we need to stop seeing each other."


"At least until everyone calms down." I sighed, tears falling from my eyes. "I'm so sorry." Hunter nodded solemnly before standing up and grabbing his jacket.

"I have to go." He said, and soon after he was out of the door and out of my life- at least for the time being. I sat in silence for a few moments, letting the tears leave my eyes, before a knock was heard on the door. I looked up to see Jack and Rian holding a bag and a box of pizza.

"What do you want?" I sniffled, wiping away the tears that were on my cheeks.
"We knew you'd be here late so we figured we'd bring you some food."

"Thanks." I laughed slightly.

"What's wrong sis?" Jack asked, setting down the bag before sitting down next to me and wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulder.

"I just broke things off with Hunter."


"Everyone was so against it." I sighed. I looked up at my older brother to see a scowl on his face.

"You were so happy though."

"Oh well." I shrugged. Rian finally entered the room and set down the pizza on the table in front of me, a guilty look on his face.


"It's fine Ri." I smiled slightly at him. He grimaced in reply, opening the box and grabbing a piece. "Besides, that leaves me more time for work." I stood up and made my way over to him, grabbing a slice of pizza. I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, making him smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome Em."


I smoothed over my skirt as I admired myself in the mirror. Saturday had rolled around quickly, and as much as I wanted to lay in bed and cry, I had to be with my family on this rough day.

"Em-" Jack entered my room, a sad smile on his lips, "are you ready?"

"Yeah." I nodded to him. I grabbed my bag and laptop from my bed before making my way over to my brother and linking arms, much like little kids.

"I can't believe we have to do this." He said quietly as we ascended the stairs, making our way to Dad and Rian. The others had decided they should stay back, yet Rian wanted to be with us and help in any way he could.

The ride to the cemetery seemed like a second, yet an hour had come and gone in the car, the occupants virtually silent.
"I never thought we'd have to do this." Dad sighed as he parked the car. "We all thought she'd out live us all."


Family filled the house, a cousin or nephew in every corner. I sat at the top of the stairs, watching as everyone interacted with each other, the atmosphere grim. The funeral had gone well. At least as well as one can go, I guess. My phone sat in my hand, Hunter's number up and ready to be called. I couldn't bring myself to call him after how yesterday ended, and I'm sure he didn't want to hear from me. I heard someone clear their throats from below me, seeing Rian smile slightly and hold up a beer and glass of wine before making his way up the stairs.

"Here." He smiled, handing me the glass of red liquid. "I figured you'd want some."

"Thanks Rian." I said quietly, taking a small sip from the glass. We sat silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"I'm sorry Emily."

"Don't be." I shook my head. "It was bound to happen."

"I'm talking about Hunter-"

"I know." I nodded. "We aren't meant to be. It was a fling, that's all. Nothing meaningful."

"Is that why you want to call him right now?" Rian asked, nodding to my phone.

"I was debating on deleting it." I lied. I stared at the contact, a stupid selfie of Hunter displayed with his dorky smile.




"It's done and over Rian." I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I let out a shaky breath, feeling Rian lean down and kiss the top of my head slowly.


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