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Jungkook woke up after about four hours. He didn't move at first and just stared at the ceiling. He was wondering where he was but it quickly came back to him. He was at Hoseok's place. In his guest bedroom. Sleeping his heart away. Well, was sleeping his heart away.

He sat himself up and rubbed his hands over his face. He looked around the room and just like the rest of Hoseok's apartment, it was so neat and expensive looking. The room was painted white with a couple paintings on each wall. A black dresser that was free of any spec of dust. Wooden floor that looked as if nobody has ever stepped on it.

And the bed, oh the bed. The bed was probably most comfortable bed he's ever slept on. No wonder he slept so soundly. It was piled with pillows and a couple ended up on the floor, probably from Jungkook moving around in his sleep. He wanted to get up but also didn't at the same time. That bed was very convincing but he ended up getting out of it anyways.

He saw that his suitcase was by the door and went to it. He grabbed it and pulled it to the bed. When he opened it, he immediately went to the bottom of it to search for his phone. He found the charger first and then finally his phone. Of course, it was dead. The reason being it hadn't been used in days.

He looked around the room for a plug and found one by the bedside table. He practically ran and plugged in his phone. It was going to take a little while until he could turn it on.

As much as he was feeling better, he still wanted to see if possibly, maybe just maybe, Yoongi contacted him. Jungkook hated that he wanted that even after what he did to him. But he was still in love with Yoongi for goodness sake. It's not like he would be able to get over him in one night. Jungkook wanted nothing more than for the sadness and pain to go away. And maybe to him it didn't feel like it was, but the longer he was beside Hoseok, the sadness and pain was diminishing.

Jungkook sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair. Then he realized something. He needed to fucking shower. It had just come to mind that he hadn't showered in days. He was in awe at how he let himself go this long. Jungkook didn't want to think about what Hoseok was thinking when he looked at him or smelt him. Little did he know, the older thought nothing but good things about him, even in the state he was in.

He was obviously still in Hoseok's clothes. And as much as they were soft and comfortable, Jungkook thought it'd be best to get out of them as soon as possible.

He turned to the door of the bedroom and opened it slowly. He kind of peeked before he came out of the room. Jungkook didn't see the older anywhere but he noticed his car keys on the kitchen counter so he must've still been there. He looked at Hoseok's bedroom door figuring he was probably sleeping. Which instantly made him feel sad. The older hadn't been able to eat or sleep much since he's been helping Jungkook. Although, Hoseok didn't complain one bit because it was for someone important. But since the younger didn't know that's how he felt, he just thought he was burdening the older. He felt selfish for coming here and for not wanting to be alone. Jungkook felt all kinds of messed up and he felt terrible for bringing Hoseok into his so called mess. When in reality, the older brought himself into it.

The younger shook his head and started to feel really thirsty. He didn't want to take anything without asking the older first but he also didn't want to wake him up.

He sighed and quietly walked to the fridge. He slowly opened the right side to make as little noise as possible. He saw water bottles on the bottom shelf of the door and gently grabbed one. But, of course, since nothing has been going right for Jungkook, the water bottle slipped from his grip and slammed on the floor. Which caused the cap to bust open and the water came spilling out.

His eyes went wide. "Shit shit shit shit shit..." Jungkook kept muttering. He heard Hoseok's bedroom door swing open while he was knelt to the floor. He was now continuing to curse himself inside his head. He couldn't believe this had to happen right now. But it was just water so why was he all worked up?

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