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Jungkook watched as Hoseok adjusted his tie. His slender fingers smoothed out any wrinkles. The younger was, as he thought, discreetly watching him from the kitchen, but the older knew he was. After all, the mirror in the hallway gave a perfect reflection of the kitchen. It made him more anxious than he already was. The person he loved, just looking at him and not saying a word.

Hoseok lost count of the amount of sighs that left his mouth. He didn't want to go on this blind date, but Jungkook wasn't stopping him. He wanted the younger to stop him and declare his love and so on. But, it seemed like the more he hoped for it, the less likely it was going to happen.

He sighed once more as he flattened his collar. He watched Jungkook look at him and then quickly look away one more time before turning around. By then, the younger kept his eyes glued to the glass of water he was drinking. The older stood there for a minute, watching Jungkook's fingers trace the side of the cup and then tap them awkwardly.

Hoseok put his head down and walked into the kitchen, the younger, of course, watched out of the corner of his eye. The older opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. He turned around so he was facing Jungkook's back. He was silently trying to tell him to turn around and to stop him from going.

Hoseok took a big drink from his water bottle before turning around to put it back in. He heard the younger breathe out loudly and not even a second later, two arms found themselves around the older's waist. Hoseok immediately froze, his hand gripped tightly onto the handle of the the refrigerator door. There was silence for a couple moments.

"Kookie?" The older hesitantly let out.

"Don't go..." Jungkook whispered against Hoseok's neck. It was so quiet that the slight buzz of the refrigerator was almost too loud to hear those words. Almost.

Hoseok removed the younger's arms gently before he turned around to face him. Jungkook had his head down, facing the floor. The older examined him for a few seconds before taking it upon himself to raise the younger's face. With each hand on Jungkook's cheeks, he stared into his eyes, although they were avoiding his.

"Could you.... say that again?" Hoseok asked the younger. Jungkook's eyes finally met the older's.

"Don't go." The younger surprisingly said again, this time with more confidence.

They stood there staring at each other, something they did quite a bit.

"Is this your way of admitting that you like me?" Hoseok whispered close to Jungkook's face.

The younger was taken aback by the question but his face turned bright red. Valid question to ask at that moment in time, but Jungkook was confused. He didn't know what his true feelings were. Hell, he didn't know what Hoseok was feeling. Which is absurd with how obvious he was being. But, the younger is oblivious to everything and anything. Some would say that's his "flaw." Although, it can come in handy at times.

One thing was for sure though. Jungkook did not want Hoseok to go on that so-called blind date. He despised the thought. But why? Maybe, he knew how much the older didn't want to go so told him not to. Then, why was it so hard to tell him that in the first place? Did the younger think saying "don't go" would be like admitting something he wasn't ready to admit? The questions ran through his head again and again.

"Kookie?" Hoseok said pulling Jungkook out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" The younger replied half-heartedly.

"I asked if this is your way of admitting you li-"

"Hyung..." Jungkook paused. "I-I don't know."

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