Chapter 3

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Hi! So, as mentioned in the authors note (previous part) , I found another page of the story, so this is officially the last chapter of the original short story that I wrote (without the crappy ending)

I wake up to something soft hitting my face.
"Ugh, what the hell?" I grunt.
Who dared to disturb my beauty sleep?
"Get up, Magnolia!" says Aiden, grinning and standing next to the bed, holding a pillow in his hand.
"You didn't have to smack me with a pillow" I mumble, as I try to rub the sleep from my eyes.
"Mom said to wake you up. They are going soon."
He looks at his watch and adds "You have about 5 minutes before the cab arrives" and hurriedly leaves the room.
"Where??" I ask, but he's too far to hear. I frantically look around the room in search for my clothes, and my camera. As I'm dressing, and putting my stuff inside my backpack, I hear mom shout through the door.
"Magnolia, are you ready to go?"
"Where??" I shout back.
"Did you forget that we're going to the pyramids today??"
"Ooohhhh, yeah, I'll be ready in a second" I mumble back.
Why am I always the last one to get ready? As I stare out the window where the sun is starting to rise, I think about what this day is going to bring me today.
As I step off the car, a small breeze hits me, carrying a scent of unwashed animals, and urine. I grimace.
"Are there camels around here?" I ask mom, turning towards her. Trying to figure out how she tied her scarf around her hair so perfectly, while mine won't even hold still for 2 minutes.
"I'm not sure, but based on the smell, they are around here somewhere." she answers, looking around the landscape.
"They have tour stops here, for anyone who wants to ride one." says dad. I take out my camera and snap some pictures of the sunrise.
"Do you know where to go?" I ask mom and dad.
"Your mother knows this place like the back of her hand" comments dad. Mom gives him the stink eye, and he just holds up his hand in surrender. Apparently they still don't want to talk about what happened when they lived here, or why they left.
"Follow that man in the red shirt, it looks like he's going there too." she says pointing to the man in front of us. As we follow him, trying to walk around all of the tourists who are stopping to take pictures, I look back and see dad and Aiden follow me with mom leading the way. When she suddenly stops, I almost crash into her. As I mumble an excuse,
"We're here." she says.
We all enter, and it suddenly becomes dark. All around me I see stone-like walls, and stairs going up, with railings on the walls.
"I hope they won't make us go up to the top of the pyramid, because I got no energy for that." whispers Aiden, while walking behind me, with mom and dad in front.
"Guys, keep close. You can get lost easily here" says dad.
"Mhm" I mutter back. As we walk together through the dark caves, I view the walls, and wonder how it was build. Aiden's shoes make a squeaky noise, producing a rhythm with our ragged breathing. As we get to a flat surface, we see to two passages leading different ways.
We turn to the left, and as I start to walk, the stone floor begins to shake a little, and the stones start cracking.
What is going on?
"Be careful everyone!!" says dad, "The floor isn't stable enough." he adds.
You think so? I think in my head.
"Should we go back?" I ask, panic setting in my voice. Aiden looks a little worried too.
Dad thinks about it, then says,
"Yes, I think we should." Since I was the last one behind them, I begin turning back and leading the way. As I take three steps, the stones crack even more.
"Dad?!" I shriek. The floor cracks even more. I stop moving, unable to go anywhere.
"RUNNN!!!" Dad shouts, As I begin running the stones begin to fall, and I trip on the rocks. I scream.
"Maaaaggg!!" I hear my family yell. But I'm not paying attention to them. Because the floor gives in under me and I begin to fall, deeper into the darkness. As I frantically tryto find something to hold onto, I get no luck. Stones start falling all around me. I try to scream, but I find no voice left in me. The stones crash against each other, making loud noises. Then I hear soft whispering, like a humming sound, and then the darkness swallows me whole.

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