Kidnapped Part 2

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I wake up and I'm tied down in a chair. I look around and from what I can tell it looks like on of those cells from those creepy movies were they torture people....WAIT WHAT!!!!

Ugh fuck why am I here, then all the memories came back. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkk. Ok calm down everything will be fine Becca it's ok.

&R u there&
*Yeah but I can't stay. Becca I'm to week. I need time to heal and get the wolves bane out*
&Ok u rest up I'll figure something out&

I can hear foot steps and talking but I can't make out what there saying.
"No one.....Help....She.....Strong.... Worrier....Must....Her....Here....Or....Kill...."

What the hell is going on. I try to move my chair but fall over in the process and make a loud bang. I here the door open, footsteps are coming. I close my eyes and...Wait why am I not dead yet. I open my eyes to see a beautiful man staring at me. Brown eyes blonde hair. Fucking hell he's hot.

he takes a step closer and I stand up and that was stupid idea because he punched me in the stomach. I fall down and he towers over me. I try to stand up again but only to be met with another punch.

"stay down if you know whats good for you" he says, his voice booming through the cell. I look up and for a second his eyes flash with regret and sadness, but covers it up quickly. I nod and look back down. then I here gun shots.

MY Abused Muted MateWhere stories live. Discover now