Chapter One.

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*Craigs Pov*
"And then clyde tripped over the rock and broke his nose!"Token roared out almost dying of laughter.
I was currently leaning against tokens bedroom wall watching him belittle clyde and clyde responding with little whines and pouts.I rolled my eyes and scratched the top of my raven black hair,which was currently under my blue chello hat.However now my hair had grown longer then the length of my hat and rested over my left eye.I watched as the two boys goofed off in pure joy.

"So craig,when's tweek gonna leave his room?"Clyde questioned,Tilting his head up from the headlock token had him in.I lifted my head to meet his gaze and shrugged."I don't know he never leaves unless he has work or school."I frowned at my own words.I never really gave a hang about anyone unless it was my friends or family.I was best friends with the absent boy who's name was tweek tweak,his name desribing him perfectly.He was a complete spaz.His hair,which pointed up in every way possible,was a very light blonde and extremely soft.He had a cute button nose and bright green eyes.I always found him a little attractive but I would never admit it to anyone.

I am not gay.No sirrre.craig tucker you are straight and that is that!!

But the way he always missed a few buttons on his shirt when he suited up for the day,and the way his jeans hugged his deliciously curved hips so perfectly...

"Craig??"I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed that Token was staring at me with a look of deep concern.I must've been zoned out for longer than I thought."Sorry token.Was thinkin about school."I lied.Thankfully token either believed me or didn't want to overwhelm me because he didn't pry any further."Anyway back to what me and clyde were saying.."
I sighed,knowing that this was going to be a long afternoon.

*Tweeks Pov*I lay on the soft surface of my bed,twitching almost instantly.I shake but know it was completely normal for me considering I grew up with this infamous disorder.I didn't try to stop it,knowing it was almost impossible to completely go away.I sighed.My body rolled over lazily to grip my coffee mug which was on the stand next to me so I could sip at it.I hadn't left my room in weeks but I considered it a good thing.As long as I go to work and school my parents don't mind.I took a deep breath only to let out a loud "GAHH!"which no one bothered to question. Everyone was used to my random screams.My parents didn't even question it,they didn't seem to care anymore.No one cared.If anyone did they'd pull me out of this room of depression and sorrow.But no one had.
I glanced at the clock;4:43 pm.I had work in an hour.Being sixteen wasn't as fun as anyone would think.
I stood up,twitching the exact moment my feet hit the rugged floor.


I removed my messily buttoned shirt while shaking and pulled down the brown shirt I was forced to work in.After setting the matching visor on along with my name tag I decided to plug my headphones in my phone.I pressed play on the soundtrack and drank the steaming liquid that was currently held in my white coffee mug.My mind was soon focused on one thing in particular;Craig.I missed him.He was my bestfriend. I smiled as memories of elementary school days flooded in.

Craig sat on the couch next to me leaning on my shoulder.I smiled crookedly to myself.We were currently engaged in the tv show called"Red Racer".The newest episode had just came out and craig demanded that we watch it.As soon as the credits rolled in he jumped off the couch and plugged his gamimg console in.He tossed me a controller which caused me to flinch and almost lose my balance.But quickly regaining it he turned the video game on and started to beat my character up.

"G-GAH!Craig you c-cheater!!"I began mashing the buttons quickly,seeing the corner of his mouth twitch up in a smirk.He was getting a kick out of this.

"You blow at video games,tweekers."I huffed,shocked at his attitude.He was extremely competitive today.
"S-Shut up!!"I yelled out.Ten rounds later and I only won once.And that was because I unpaused craigs controller when he went to get me some coffee.
"Loser."He grinned and poked my nose.I blushed as we began to rough house and joke around dorkily.
"I love ya buddy."he grinned."L-love y-you to,t-tucker."

I smiled as the memory faded away.Those were the good ol days.And with that,I headed out to work.

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