If I Can Find Him

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P.O.V. Tory

"I'm going to the abandoned house, I heard he was here" I explained.

"Wait, you know him?" Lilith asked.

"Xavier was in the Nether Knight Army, but he was a spy, he backstabbed the whole army and became a shadow knight" I explained.

"But, okay look, the thing is, Yoshi and Zane are going" she pointed out.

"Which Zane?" I almost got engulfed in anger.

"Lostaire's daughter" she said.

"Well, Xavier was the Shadow Knight mentor of Zane" I had to go and defeat him.

"Well, than, I guess I have to kill him as well, or battle him" she surprised me.


"He killed my sister's dad, I'd like to kill him, Instead of Zane" she stood up. "Let's go"

Time Skip

P.O.V. Lilith

We arrived, but instead of just Yoshi and Zane, were three others, one of them was my mom.

"Lilith, I've missed you, When you and your brothers left to Hyria's place, I thought I lost you" she said.

"You've been here? I never thought you'd be here" I stood there.

"We may not have the time, maybe kill two birds with one stone and family bond inside the house?" the elvish looking girl suggested.

We all stepped inside, I expected to see some broken walls, cobwebs, destroyed floors and ceilings, furniture that came from an almost victorian age, and also a bunch of shattered glass. This house chose to be the "none of the above" option. It was dusty, but other than that, it looked as if someone had lived there for and went on vacation, most of the furniture was covered in drapes, and it seemed to have 1960s style furniture.

"Didn't expect this place to have a brand new look" I admitted.

"I-I... is this what I t-think it is? T-th-they said it was destroyed!" I saw elven girl trembling to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"How? This never existed here. How on Lostaire's Earth would this be here?" she shook in fear.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

My mom surveyed the area "I'm getting the same feeling, I feel reminiscent about this place, but the only place closest to the location of this place is your brother's old home, except, that place was littered with dust and cobwebs".

"Hey look, there is a picture I found, maybe it is new, it is the least dusty thing here", Tory beckoned us to go upstairs to see it.

I looked and saw a picture of a lady dressed in a purple dress, and a few guards, and so as two little boys. The Lady and the guards, I knew immediately as soon as I saw the purple house in the background, It was my mom and her guards back from saving one of her civilians and Lucinda.

"Mom, I think this might be the cleaner version of Malachi's old house" I shown the picture to her.

"Hate to say this, but there are no cameras in Ra'un, this can't be me" she gave it back.

"It has you, Garroth, and Laurence" I pointed to the three in the picture.

I then heard a door open, and a few footsteps from downstairs.

P.O.V. Zane

I heard in the front door open, I hid behind the couch, I saw a guy with black hair


A mask

So Xavier

A black and white outfit.

Definitely Xavier
Hair over one eye, only showing a blue one.

Yup that is, wait, Blue Eye.

The person spoke "Are you sure Aph came here? I don't think she would like this place".

"Where is XAVIER?" I yelled at the guy.

"Gah!!??" he jumped back, "Who are you?".

"Now, where is Xavier? You are practically dressed like him" I pointed a sword that I summoned.

"Wha- I was just looking for Aph, I saw her car here" he backed away.

"Zane, stop" I heard Irene yell

In an angry tone "What?"

The guy was still on the ground, "Aph, what is going on?"

"Zane, just wait, I'm gonna tell him okay, so withdraw your weapon so that I can talk to him" I obeyed her, if she knew him personally, then I shouldn't worry about him, but I swear if I find Xavier.

If I find him.

I'll kill him.

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