Author's Note

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Just to let you know, I actually rarely write about puppy love and romance as a primary genre, or even as a secondary. But I decided to put this out anyway because I had a burst of inspiration.

I've always been fascinated by all those who are forced to get by in life with something that isn't usually accounted for. As of this, a classic example is the case of left-handers.

"How do you use pencil sharpeners?"

"When playing video games, do you switch the controls to the option 'Lefty'?"

"Does it ever annoy you when you're writing and you can't see what word you just wrote or that you've just smudged the ink?"

I'm genuinely curious. Growing up as the underdog, I really enjoyed all the tales of those who compensated or subverted their weaknesses and how they get by, making them more understanding, resilient individuals in the end.

I've also grown fond of perspective-switching in stories; when one chapter is dedicated to a limited first-person perspective, with the next one from a predictable second character, telling the story in an interdependent, interlocking way with warranted bias, red herrings and neglected facts to reach the end with.

Finally, despite my fairly tragic love life, I've always seen the best relationships as the ones where the two have got each other's backs and it's an 'us versus the world' mentality, where we'll conquer the world or die trying - together - for what's right. And that's really beautiful. 

So, take the toughest pair because of who they were and ship them together. And have them overcome everything - big or small - together, of course, till the end of the time. Flying Without Wings by Westlife was the one that resonated this the best, because that's exactly how they were going to feel for the first time in their lives after just being shot down time after time. Us Against The World (humorously, also by Westlife) could have been thematically fitting for their close-knit relationship, but the song itself didn't really reciprocate my intentions.

But of course, I wasn't going to let them off easy...

- SR-11

P.S. For each chapter/part I post I will attach a song that clicks with it. Some songs are self-explanatory, some are alluding references, some anticipatory presages and some for the nostalgia. Give them a go.

P.P.S. Expect diluted and peppered swearing or strategically acute 'colorful words' in these chapters. Unlike some of my other narrative ideas these pale in comparison on the battle of vices.

P.P.P.S. I'm going to make a few references or even borderline 'mean' or 'politically incorrect' jokes along the way, in an effort to distinguish characters from the 'rest of the population'. I am completely aware of the fact that people are more than just their problems, and I work to keep these 'jabs' as light-hearted and conscious (not ignorant) as possible.

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