What Makes You Beautiful. part 20

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~Laura's View~

as me and abbie were out 'shopping' we saw a carnival being set up on the beach. It looked like it was going to be good so we text becca telling her that we should all go, lighten my mood.

"Laura it will be fine" abbie said breaking my out of my thinking.

"Yeah I know" I mumbled, I couldn't stop worrying. What if I am pregnant, harry won't want to be with me. He's a young lad he doesn't want to be tied down.

"Right come on, here's the chemist" abbie said tugging on my arm and pulling me into the small shop that smelt of cough sweets.

"Right, they should be over here" abbie said pulling me to a isle "yes, here" she said bending down and looking at the boxes of pregnancy tests.

"This one looks good" she said standing back up again and handing me the box. I looked down at it before abbie placed a reassuring hand on the top of my back rubbing it gently comforting me "it'll be fine" she told me again.

After I'd been to pay for it we decided to go to the public toilets, we couldn't go back to the caravan, harry was still there.

"Right, I guess its time then" I said closing the toilet door leaving abbie standing on the other side. After I did the test I just sat there, I didn't want to look at the test so I pulled out my iphone and clicked on the twitter app. It was the first time I'd been on it since we got here which was surprising because I'm never normally off it. I looked at my profile and I had hundreds of new followers.

"Abbie, have you checked twitter recently?" I questioned her, confused.

"Yeah, I went on it yesterday" she said seeming normal.

"Can I ask, why the hell have I gained loads of followers?" I asked her extremely confused now.

"the boys followed us all so I'm guessing fans have followed us" she said relaxing me a bit "oh and they said they were on holiday with us so that probably didn't help" she finished leaving me with a smile on my face.

"Its been 5 minuets laura, what's it say?" I heard her ask. I picked the test up and reluctantly looked down at it, positive.

soon as I read It I burst into tears. Abbie pushed the door open and fell to the floor.

"oh laura" she sighed pulling me into a hug "it'll be fine" she kept saying, again and again.

"how do I tell him?" I asked her, that's what I was most worried about.

"Just tell him straight out, when he meets us at the carnival, do it then" she told me standing up and straightening herself out.

We got out of the toilet receiving a few strange looks as we did. We gathered our bags and actually went to do some shopping so it didn't look like we lied to the boys.

~Kirsty's View~

"Looks like there's going to be a carnival tonight" zayn said with a smile on his face as he sat with Nicole on his lap.

"want to go to it?" I asked looking at everybody they all nodded and grumbled a bit.

"I'm hungry" Alyssa sighed looking at a group of people sat eating chips.

"Same" nicole said looking at the group of people to.

"Wanna go get some food before we go to the carnival?" Taylor questioned us.

"Yes!" Alyssa and Nicole yelled at the same time.

We all got up and made our way to the little pizza restaurant on the corner. We sat down in a little booth and ordered two big pizza's to share and 5 glasses of coke.

What Makes You Beautiful. (one direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now