What Makes You Beautiful. part 3

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~Harry's View~

It was so funny! I can't believe we fell over! I couldn't stop laughing, we were soaked!

"Oh come on up" I said to laura holding out my hand trying to pull her up but as I did so she pulled me back down and I ended up back in the water rolling round splashing at each other like a couple of 4 year olds.

~Hannah's View~

We were all rolling round in the sea, it was gorgeous. Laura and harry were splashing around on there own to the side of the rest of us who were all in a massive huddle just bobbing up and down talking.

"So how long are you gals here for?" Zayn asked, looking at lauren again, something was seriously going on there.

"ECHEM!" Becca sort of grunted at zayn trying to get his attention "WE are here for 2-3weeks, we haven't decided yet, you?" She made such a emphasis on the first we, reminding zayn that there was more then just lauren staying here.

"Were here for about that long as well" niall replied smiling beautifully at abbie. She looked to the sea and blushed, she liiiked him.

~Laura's View~

"Let's go join the rest of them" harry said while placing his hand at the bottom of my back, if I'm being honest I hadn't really noticed the others weren't with us I was having to much fun. Harry had always been my favourite and for him to act like he was interested in me just a little bit was amazing!

"Okay" I said huffing and swim walking back to the others.

"Oh aye, look what the cat dragged in" abbie said playfully obviously taking the mick. I couldn't wait to talk to them later about everything!

"Yeah yeah whatever" I replied sticking my tongue out looking a tad strange but harry laughed so it was okay.

~Becca's View~

We stayed in the sea a bit longer just getting to know each other before we all got out of the water and flopped down on the towels trying to get dry.

Laura and harry were sat together having their own privet conversation and the rest of us all joined in one massive one about what had happened today.

"Well that was fun" hannah said, sitting down next to louis and lauren.

"We should defiantly do it again" liam said while looking at you and putting his hand on top of yours before he intertwined both yours and his fingers together, lovingly stroking your palm with his thumb.

"OOOOOO!" Niall shouted he must of see you holding hands.

~Niall's View~

"Becca and Liam sitting in a-" i started chanting before becca through a towel at me hitting me straight in the face making me topple over landing with my head in abbie's knee.

"Well hello there" i tried to say in a sexy voice. Abbie just blushed and started pulling her fingers through my hair, it felt nice so I just carried on lying there, making myself comfy and drawing on her leg which made her shiver. She was so cute.

~Lauren's View~

I was sat with hannah and louis but I really wanted to be sat with zayn. He was lovely and was really sweet before. I noticed he kept looking at me which was really weird cause I couldn't stop blushing. I hope we see them after today, there all so nice!

"Hey, girls, what are you all doing tonight?" Harry asked, him and laura turned around and joined the rest of us again.

"Erm, not much I don't think" I replied "why?"

"Well if your not doing anything and were not doing anything. Fancy doing something together?" Harry asked us all once again, that must of been what him and laura were talking about.

"Okay!" Becca replied smiling massively, she so wanted liam!

~Louis' View~

Hannah was so pretty, the way she smiled up at me was just so overwhelming. She was gorgeous.

"But what are we going to do?" I asked everyone.

"We could go out for something to eat then just go hang out somewhere, maybe back here? Having a camp fire?" Laura said smiling up at harry.

"That sounds amazing loo!" Abbie replied, her and niall looked pretty sweet. All snuggled up together.

"We need to get ready then! need to look lovely for you later" I said winking at hannah so she knew I ment her, she looked down and blushed a wonderful shade of red.

~Abbie's View~

"So do we really.. SHOT GUN FIRST SHOWER!" Lauren shouted at the top of her lungs making us all jump.

"I best be going" I said to niall as everybody else got up, he shuffled around before sitting up properly.

"Its been really fun today" he said after pulling you up and walking beside you on the way back to the caravan. The conversations carried on as the boys walked us back to our caravans, they wanted to know where it was they needed to pick us up from later.

~Liam's View~

"Ill see you later then babe" I said to becca, we all walked the girls back to the caravan. Me and becca were at the back though, when we got off the beach I reached for her hand and she put hers in mine quite happily which made me smile.

"See you later" she replied smiling back at me, I leant down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and left with the boys.

~Laura's View~

"LIAM KISSED ME!!" Becca screamed as she chucked herself on the sofa rolling round on her back in fits of laughter. We all ran and jumped on it with her all of us so excited.

"Harry is so amazing!" I told them basically screaming at them.

"Zayn kept smiling at me, awh he's so lovely!" Lauren told us giggling like a school girl.

"Babes, carm down, I mean there only boys" hannah said trying to keep a straight face which was hard when we were all pulling funny faces at her.

"Yeah but 'babes' they are totally HOT!" Abbie replied jumping on hannah making her give in and start laughing and pulling stupid faces as well.

"we need to get ready!" I told them, I was so excited it was going to be an amazing start to an amazing holiday I could see it coming!

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