chapter 13

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Jax removes my dress and pulls back to look my body over and smiles. "Angel, you are so beautiful." I bite my lip and step back a few steps and unclasp my bra, slowly removing it and dropping it to the floor. Jax's eyes darken. I take a few more steps and I am in the bathroom. I shimmy out of my panties and toss them to the side before turning and stepping into the tub. I start the water and turn to see Jax standing there, still fully clothed.

"Now that just won't do, love." I tisk. I step out of the tub while the water is warming and slowly unbutton his shirt, sliding my hands under it and sliding them against his smooth skin, I slip it off of him, dropping it to the floor. I drop to my knees and peek up at him through my lashes to see him staring down at me, lust burning in his eyes. I unbuckle his belt and pop the button on his pants before unzipping them and pulling them and his boxers down together.

His impressive length springs forward and I lick my lips causing Jax to groan. With one more glance at his face, I wrap my hand around him and slowly slide it up and down his shaft. He sucks in a breath. I lean closer and wrap my lips around it and run my tongue around the tip. His head falls back and his hands cup my shoulders. He is about to get a big surprise, I have no gag reflex. I take his entire length into my mouth and it slides slightly down my throat. "Oh, Angel, your mouth is truly a gift, but if you keep that up, I am going to cum." I smile internally and keep sucking and licking while pumping my hand.

His hips start to buck and his moans fill the room. "Angel, I am warning you." He grits out, trying to hold back. I take him deeply and he moans loudly as he releases in my mouth and I swallow it like it's the very thing I need to live. Instantly, he grabs me under my arms and pulls me up, kissing me deeply. "You are amazing, Angel. It's my turn now." He sits me on the counter and kneels between my legs and I gasp as his tongue touches my folds. It was something that I had never experienced. Brad was all about his pleasure, never mine.

His tongue swirls my clit and I am screaming his name. Then he inserts a finger. I think I died. He is nipping and sucking on my bundle of nerves and his finger is pumping in and out of my tunnel as pressure builds in my core. I scream his name once more before I explode and he laps up my juices greedily. I shudder as he stands, hunger and my juices all over his face. He wipes his face with his hand before grabbing me and stepping into the shower. He slams me into the wall and his lips crash to mine. My legs wrap around his waist and he lines his length up to my tunnel and slams into me. I cry out in pleasure. He pounds into me as his lips roam my upper body. My nails dig into his back as our moans fill the bathroom.

His thrusts get harder and faster as he tenses and I know he is close. "Cum for me, Angel." He moans into my ear and sinks his fangs into my neck. I scream in pleasure as I clamp down in him. He thrusts twice more before he spills into me. He licks my neck, sealing the wound. I unwrap from him and he lowers me onto my feet. My legs feel like jelly, my body is deliciously sore. He looks into my eyes and cups my cheek. "Did I hurt you, Angel?" I laugh, "No, Love. Now let's wash off that glitter and cuddle."

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