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"Stop playing with your food, Zachary." Stevie said, which got the boy's full attention, because she only called him by his full name if he did something wrong. "Your oatmeal must be cold by now."

"I'm not hungry, Mama."

"Well, you have to eat. Breakfast is important." Stevie sat down beside her son and took the spoon from him, bringing it to his mouth. "If you finish it, you'll get a surprise." 

Naturally the boy's face lit up, eyes sparkling. "What surprise?"

"Now if I told you, it would stop being a surprise."

"When?" Zack asked, opening his mouth for another spoonful. 

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Stevie replied. "In about an hour or so."

"Another Peanut?" Zack asked hopefully, looking down at the puppy by his feet.

"A lot better than another Peanut." Stevie chuckled, wiping Zack's mouth clean once he was done eating. "See, wasn't so bad, was it?" Getting up, Stevie walked over to the sink to wash the dishes, while Zack remained in his seat, swinging his legs. Stevie knew that when he was doing that, there was something on his mind. "What is it, Zacky? Do you want to ask me something?"

"What do you have in your belly? It's bigger than before." Zachary asked, wasting no time, in a very childlike way.

"Well..." Stevie paused for a moment to think, deciding that telling the truth was the way to go. She knew that a lot more questions were coming after her response. "I have your little baby brother or sister in my belly."

"Huh?" Zack frowned, staring at his mother as if she had grown a second head. "Don't be silly, Mama." 

"I'm not being silly, Zacky. Mommies carry their tiny babies for nine very very long months, so they can grown and get bigger, stronger until they're ready to meet us."

"B- but how? How do you get a baby in your belly?"

Drying her hands on a kitchen towel, Stevie tossed it aside and leaned against the counter, thinking of the best answer to that question. "It's just... well... hmm..."

"You don't know? You woke up with a baby in your belly?" Zack asked again, suddenly being extremely curious.

"You can say that, yes. It's like a miracle. You go to sleep and when you wake up, a beautiful miracle has happened and you have a baby in your belly." Stevie forced a smile, thinking to herself that this was the worst possible explanation. 

"Hm..." Zachary's little brows were furrowed, as he seemed to be deep in thought. "When does the baby come out?"

"Not very soon. They're still very small and weak."

"I'm stronger?"

"Yes." Stevie chuckled, nodding her head. "You're stronger."

"Why they?" Zack asked, looking at his mother strangely. "How many babies do you have in there?"

"Hopefully, just one!" Stevie answered quickly. She felt blessed to be expecting at this age, but she knew it wasn't going to be easy and the thought of twins or even more, sent a shiver down her spine. "I say they, because I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I can't just... look inside."

"Inside where?" 

Oh my God, Stevie thought to herself. Thankfully, Zachary's attention was caught by Peanut yapping by the front door. Stevie had heard a car pulling into the driveway before the dog started barking and she knew exactly who it was. 

"Why don't you go and check what's up with Peanut?" She suggested, sounding nonchalantly, although she was fighting back a smile.

"Nothing here." Zack shook his head, standing in the hallway.

"Are you sure?" Looking out the window, Stevie gave a small wave to the two people approaching. "Maybe you should open the door? Someone might be outside."

"Open the door?" Zachary repeated as if it was the craziest suggestion the boy had ever heard. "I can't!"

"Yes, you can. It's fine, but just this once." Stevie pointed out. "Go ahead." Giving a small nod of her head, Stevie came to stand behind her son, pressing her hand against his back, giving a little push.

Somewhat timidly, Zachary stepped up to the door and twisted the handle, slowly opening it at first, before he opened it all the way. 

"Hey there." Lindsey greeted his son with a smile on his face, Julia standing behind Lindsey's wheelchair. "I missed you, buddy."

Zack's big blue eyes quickly filled with tears, as he covered his face with both his little hands, much like Stevie did the day before, once she came face to face with Lindsey. Zack's lip trembled, as he whispered... "Daddy..."

"It's me, son." Lindsey nodded, not even pretending he wasn't just as emotional. "Aren't you going to give me a hug?"

The boy looked down, tears heavily falling down on the tiled floor, as he then stepped closer to Stevie. "What's the matter, baby?" Stevie asked, running her fingers through Zack's curls. He mumbled a response, but neither of the adults could make it out. "What was it?"

"I'm scared Daddy's going to leave again."

"I will never leave again." Lindsey shook his head, his son's words breaking his heart. "Come here, Zack, please. I missed you so much." 

Julia moved over to Stevie, who wasn't able to keep herself from crying either. 

"Come here, buddy." Lindsey urged, opening his arms.

"You won't leave?" The boy asked, needing reassurance. 

"Never, I promise." Lindsey shook his head, still holding out his arms wide open.

After a moment, Zachary quickly closed the gap that separated him and his father, jumping into Lindsey's arms, who hugged him close, holding on tight. Not a word was said for several minutes, not a dry eye in the room. 

Having calmed down some, Stevie approached the two, leaning down to press a kiss to Zack's curls, before she touched the side of Lindsey's face and kissed his lips. "Welcome home."

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