Chapter 1

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Hades terror was over. Aloy and the allies she made fought and saved their world. It was something Elisabet would've been proud of, or so Aloy liked to think.
The Nora huntress ventured on, eventually finding Elisabet's final location, and listening to one last recording. It gave her some sort of closure.
However, now there remained a question.

What now?

She could return to the sacred land, just to check on the tribe.
Ah, but it wouldn't hurt to stop by Meridian first. Aloy would rather do business with the merchants there than in her homeland.

So she traveled, from far north towards the south. She did not bother stopping to rest. Mostly because she knew she'd rest in Meridian for a couple days.


The huntress shook at the sudden shout. There at the gates, stood the owner of that familiar voice, Erend.
Surely he had no idea she would return to Meridian? Aloy assumed he'd return to his homeland, yet here he is with that grin on his face.

She couldn't help but smile a bit as she approached him.

E: "Back in Meridian huh?"

A: "Yes, I wanted to stock up on supplies before heading back to my homeland."

E: "That's a relief. I was starting to think you were coming back for Avad."

She gave him a quick frown, noting his jealous, and yet teasing, behavior.

A: "What're you doing here anyway? I thought you'd go back to your clan."

E: "My clan is tougher than any other. They're probably completely fine. Now, Meridian, that's where Hades hit. Most of the city is under construction. My soldiers were the first ones to grab some tools start building."

A: "So you're here to rebuild the city?"

E: "Well, when I'm not helping rebuild I'm helping the people of the city. Not to mention Avad has errands he needs someone to run."

Aloys frown only deepened.

A: "So much for relaxing."

E: "Huh?"

A: "I suppose I should go see Avad."

E: "I'm coming as well. I need to see if there's anything else for today."

Aloy nods, and walks beside the large man. On the way to the palace, she can see just how much damage was done to the city.

A: "All of this disaster, because of me.."

E: "What? No, Aloy, you're the reason some of this city is still standing. Without you, we'd all be dead. Give yourself credit where it's due."

A: "Give us credit. I didn't fight alone."

Erend smiles down at her a bit. It was like she didn't even realize how cute she could be.

Much to their surprise, Avad was already waiting for them. Perhaps a guard informed him, or maybe the man's just a stalker.

Avad: "Aloy! So good to see you."

He hugs her, ever so gently, which causes Aloy to tense up a bit. She wasn't fond of touching. Rost had a different way of showing affection, and Aloy would prefer everyone else be the same way.

Though she could not see it, Erends face twisted into annoyance at the hug. However, he quickly regained his composure once the hug had ended.

Avad: "What brings you here?"

Aloy steps back a bit, finding the closeness awkward.

A: "I came to stock up on supplies before heading to my homeland. The merchants here have better goods than those in the Sacred Land."

Avad: "Ah, I see. Well, if you plan on staying for a few days, you're more than welcome to stay in the palace. Just an offer."

If Erends teeth could grit any harder against each other they'd be shattered.

A: "Thank you Avad. I'll be going now."

The two men watched as Aloy trailed out of the room. That red hair, those greens eyes, her voice, and even that little sway in her hips when she walked away was enough to drive them mad.

Avad: "She'd make a wonderful queen. Don't you think Erend?"

The question alone was enough to knock the wind out of Erends lungs.

E: "There's never been a Sun Queen."

Avad: "I've never wanted to be beside someone so badly before. Aloy would be wonderful to have around at all times. With her by my side, I'd be a better King."

Erend wanted to say he didn't have a chance with her, but, this was the Sun King after all.

So he bit his tongue, and let it go.

E: "I should check on the citizens."

Avad: "Of course."

With that, Erend stomps out of the palace, feeling both jealously and pure anger. He reaches the cities trade center, and is distracted by a voice.

A: "Are you alright?"

He turns to see green eyes.

E: "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to see if the citizens down south need anything."

A: "You're stomping around more than usual."

More than usual?

E: "I'm fine, really."

He states again, this time with a somewhat defeated voice. Aloy smiles at that.

A: "Well, if you want, I can come help you tend to the people."

Erends eyes widen, but he smiles a bit at the question.

E: "That would make things easier for me."

A: "Let's go then."

She trails in front of him, heading straight to the elevators.
There it is.
That comfort she brings.

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