• Chapter 1 •

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Autumn Paige Aubrey.

"Come on Tay, we're going to be late" Kat called upstairs impatiently. "I'm coming Katrina!" Taylor called back, the sound of tippy toes galloping down the stairs filled the house seconds later. "Finally" Kat huffed. "Can we just go please?" I asked politely, motioning to the open front door, Kat agreed as she threw her bag over her shoulders. "I heard there's a new art teacher at school" Taylor informed me as we turned off our porch. "Really?" Kat questioned, she nodded in confirmation. "Yes, apparently it's a guy too" She hinted. "Yes, an old disgusting guy" I giggled, causing Kat and Taylor to follow in laughter. "We'll just have to find out when we get there, won't we?"

"AUT!" Ash called as we turned onto the school premises. "Hey Pumpkin" I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck gently. "How was your summer?" He asked curiously. "It was amazing, how was yours?" I returned the question. "It was good, we went back home" He informed. "Oh wow, I bet that was lovely" I stated; he confirmed with a nod. May I clarify that Ashton, Calum, Michael and Luke (the boys we hang out with) are Australian. "There's a new art teacher Aut" Luke added to the conversation, changing the subject matter. "Oh so it's true?" I asked, with a hint of a smile. "Yes, it's true, his names Zayn or something..." He explained. "WHO IS THAT?!" Kat then yelled, as she lost her balance for a moment, tripping side ways and using myself as a stop. "That's him, the art teacher" Luke confirmed. "OH MY SWEET JESUS!" Taylor and Katrina both yelled in perfect harmony. "Stop, you'll scare him away" I giggled, as did the boys.

"We'll meet you in the canteen girls" Ashton confirmed as the boys left for the music department. Myself and the girls walked a little further down the empty corridor. "This is me" Kat said before disappearing into a History room. "And this is me Sweetpea" Tay explained, as she disappeared into the nursing class. While I continued, now alone to the art class. "Sorry I'm late" I informed as I walked in and took a seat. "That's okay" The teacher excused. "Okay, now you're all here I think I should introduce myself, I'm Zayn Malik, or to you all, Mr Malik" He introduced. I sighed as I looked around and saw all the cheerleaders pulling their shirts down to reveal more of their chest or adding more make up to their already layerous load. "First, I want to look at all your books, so that I can see where you are all at so far" He explained. "ME FIRST" Chelsea, the head cheerleader yelled. "Okay" He agreed. As we were waiting for the call of our names, everyone seemed to be attempting to improve their work, whereas myself, I was simply sitting quietly and alone, as usual.

"Can you show me your art book please Autumn?" Mr Malik asked kindly, I nodded and handed him an A3 black book, He opened it and to his surprise, he was met with empty pages. "Autumn, You have been doing art for a year and you haven't done anything" He angered softly. "The only art I have is on my wrists sir" I hushed. "Can I ask what that means?" He wondered, I nodded reluctantly and pulled up my sleeve slowly, revealing ugly, deep, dark purple scarring alongside dried up, crimson rivers. His gasp was hushed, almost silent infact, as his body tried to absorb the shock that had just befallen him. "Follow me" He demanded gently, I arose from my old, beaten stool, following him from the crowded room into the empty and somewhat deafeningly silent corridor. "Autumn, I'm going to have to take you to see the Principle, to see what he thinks we can do about this" Mr Malik explained, his voice juddered. "No sir, please" I pleaded, my eyes; welling. "I need to see if he can find a way to help you" He informed, strongly. "Why can't you just help me?" I begged accidentally; He sighed. "Okay, if that makes you more comfortable, then I can help you" He reassured; his hand brushed mine as he swung them by his side. "Thank you Sir" I inputted, almost choking on my words. "You're welcome Autumn" He hushed, motioning back into the room, from which we emerged.

Zayn Malik.

Poor girl, she really needs help, She seems so lost in herself, so out of place and insecure. I need to know why, So I can help her through this.. "SIR! Can you help me with this?" Chelsea yelled across the room wildly, I gave a hushed sigh and nodded my head as I made my way over to her. "Is this okay?" She asked, holding up one of the most terrible drawings I had ever seem. "Yes, that's great" I lied bitterly, She struggled her face into a smile and placed the paper onto the table again.

After school. As I excused the class from their day, I scouted around the room, picking up pieces of old paper they had dropped during the lessons; As I wrapped my hand around some paper, it refused to scrunch, My eyebrows scrunched and I turned the paper over, revealing a Blackberry 9320, I chuckled and shook my head, slipping it into my back pocket effortlessly.

Autumn Paige Aubrey.

"Another day over with" Taylor complained in relief as she dropped her back onto the hard wooden flooring in the hall of our large home. "I know, no school until tomorrow morning" Katrina laughed, slumping herself onto the couch. "Coffee?" I offered around, they each smiled in confirmation. As I flicked on the kettle, There was a firm knock at the door, a manly knock needless to say. "Hello, Is Autumn Aubrey home?" I heard a familiar voice ask. "Yes, of course, come in" Taylor offered, there was soon the sound of the door hitting it's frame as it closed. I left the kitchen and made my way towards the noise, My eyes widened in concern as they met the sight of Mr Malik. "Ah Autumn, you left this in the art room today, I thought you may need it" Mr Malik informed, motioning my phone towards me, I took it gently, twitching a little as my skin touched his. "Thank you Sir" I thanked kindly, he smiled briefly. "Well, I better be going, I'll see you in class tomorrow" He instructed, making his own way out of the house. "He actually came and brought your phone here Aut, that's a good sign right there" Taylor nudged, I shook my head frantically in refusal. "You know it is true darling"

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