• Chapter 2 •

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1 Week later.

Autumn Paige Aubrey.

"Tay, Kat I'm going for a walk" I informed them, as I pulled my coat over my shoulders. "Okay darling, be careful" Tay demanded gently. "I will, don't worry" I reassured her, I grabbed my keys from the table and left the house, the Autumn air hit me harshly, I curled in smaller and began my way down our long front porch. Should I really tell Tay about my cutting? I know she gets worried really easily and she'll probably make me go and see a therapist, which would be my worst nightmare, talking to someone I don't even know, about my problems? They'll probably run away after my first sentance I'm so messed up.

Zayn Malik.

I'm really worried about Autumn, she seems like such a lovely girl, who shouldn't be harming herself, she's worth so much more than that, she just needs someone to show her that she is worth more, but I guess that's definitely going to take some doing... WAIT! What am I thinking? she's my student, I shouldn't be thinking about her in that way... Oh who am I kidding, I can't help it... My thoughts were then interupted by my body colliding with someone elses, I looked down at the ground as I heard a small groan. "Oh Autumn, I'm terribly sorry" I apologised, offering her my hand, she slipped her tiny hand into mine, I pulled her to her feet and she brushed herself off. "Thank you Mr Malik" She thanked, I smiled at the ground, before looking back up at her. "Call me Zayn" I told her, a slight crimson mist descended over her otherwise pale cheeks. "How are you feeling?" I asked her, being genuinely concerned for her welfare. "I'm well thank you" She answered, unconvincingly. "I have a feeling you're not being 100% truthful with me here Autumn" I hinted, she sighed deeply.

After a few moments of silence, I spoke up. "Aut, would you like to get a Starbucks with me and we can talk?" I offered, she peered a heartbreaking look up at me. "Okay" She agreed cautiously, I smiled as we commuted down the road, towards town. As we arrived, I held open the creaking door and Autumn entered, The warmth of the shop effected her instantly. "What can I get you?" I asked her, her face fell into shock slightly. "I can--" She started, but I shook my head, knowing what she was going to suggest. "No, I insist" I told her, a smile pulled at the corner of her soft looking lips. "Ginger nut latte please?" She asked, her voice seemed hushed, I nodded and headed towards the counter.

Autumn Paige Aubrey.

This is the strangest thing I have ever done, I'm sat in Starbucks, with my teacher... Is this creepy or just a different experience that I haven't become used too yet? I don't even know at the moment. I know he's just being nice though, nothing will ever come of this, he's my teacher, 4 years older than me and he probably has a girlfriend... "Here you go" Zayn said, interupting my thoughts, I smiled and wrapped my bare hands around the warm cup. "So, do you want to tell me what is on your mind?" He asked, making conversation, I shook my head. "Autumn, please be honest with me here" He pleaded with me, I sighed and looked down at the carpeted floor. "I don't want to bore you though" I explained, he chuckled and shook his head slightly. "Don't worry about it, just please tell me?" He asked, resting a hand on my lower thigh, my hands twitched a little in reaction. "Well... A Year ago, I lost both my parents in a fire and my sister, Taylor, she's been doing everything for me and I feel terrible about it, plus I have to deal with bullies everyday and it's all getting ontop of me right now" I explained, in a small hushed tone. "Autumn, that's terrible it truly is... but darling, you're worth a lot more than harming yourself, you're an amazing girl with a lot going for you" He comforted me, My heart warmed a little. He called me amazing, no one has ever said that to me before, apart from Taylor, but... she's my sister, it's her job to tell me how amazing I am, Joke, joke. "Your lips are moving" Zayn chuckled, I felt the crimson mist rise in my cheeks as i curled up a little. "Sorry, I tend to do that when I think" I explained, he chuckled a little more. "You look rather adorable" He commented, I froze.

A few seconds of silence later and Zayn decided to break the slence. "This may seem inappropriate Autumn since I am your teacher, but this is my number, in case you ever need to talk to me, I'm only ever a text or call away, okay?" He explained, handing me a peice of folded paper, I took it and smiled. "Thank you" I blushed deeply, A smile pulled on his lips. "You're welcome sweetie" He answered. "I should walk you home, it's getting dark" He stated, peering out the window behind us, I agreed and finished up my latte, throwing the empty in the bin as we left, Zayn did the same. As the Autumn wind hit me, I shivered instantly, a few seconds later, feeling something warm wrap around me, I peered up and saw Zayn smile beautifully. "Thank you" I thanked, noticing his coat was covering me. "I'm a gentleman" He commented; I giggled in responce.

"Well, this is my house" I informed, stopping infront of our porch. "You have a lovely home" he commented, admiring it. "My parents worked hard for it" I informed him. "Thank you very much for the coffee" I thanked, handing back his coat. "You're welcome, it was nice talking to you, without Chelsea and the cheer squad yelling my name all the bloody time" He said, with a kind of complaining in his voice; I giggled. "Yes, it was nice" I started. "Well... goodnight" I added. "Good night Autumn" He replied, before shocking me completely, as his lips briefly contacted my cheek, I gulped and made my way towards my front door, I entered the house and slammed the door shut quickly, I slid down the door as tears began escaping my eyes and falling down my cheeks slowly. "Autumn?" Taylor called. "Yes?" I cried, with a hitch in my voice. "Dear, what's wrong?" She asked, kneeling to my side, I shook my head. "Please... I just, want to go to bed" i informed her. "Okay honey" She respected, letting me make my way upstairs.

Zayn Malik.

I shouldn't think of Autumn like this... she's one of my students... But she's also so beautiful, so amazing, funny... everything a guy would want in a girl... but maybe I went too far when I kissed her cheek, she seemed shocked and uneasy... I hope I haven't creeped her out or anything, I just... wanted to show her she always has someone to turn too, no matter what happens...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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