The Field of Flowers

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Jesse's emerald-green eyes slowly fluttered open. The sun was shining brightly and she could hear morning birds in the distance. Jesse looked around her. She was in a red bed and she was in a mint-walled room which looked like her  room. Wait, was she back in her other life?! Jesse jumped out of bed. She pinched herself to check if this was a dream. But it wasn't as that pinch hurt, very much. Jesse walked out of her room. She went into the kitchen to see if anyone was awake. If they were, they were probably in the kitchen. And she was right.

Olivia was cooking something, Lukas was standing there, eating an apple, and Axel was looking through the fridge. Jesse felt tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes, she couldn't keep them in. Her friends were back to their normal selves again. She did it! The tears rapidly dripped down her face, as she went to hug them. "J-Jesse, are you okay," Lukas asked while struggling to breath, because she was squeezing him to death. Olivia couldn't breath properly either because of her hug, and Axel just looked at her like she went crazy. Jesse let go of her breathtaking embrace, laughed sadly and wiped her ears away. "You guys wouldn't understand." she told them. They all blinked at her and stood still. "I'll explain everything when Petra wakes up," she said. "Well then, let's hear the story," a familiar voice said from behind. They all looked behind them to see Petra looking messy like always. So, the order went into their luxurious living room for Jesse to tell them the story. Everyone sat down and got comfy, then Jesse started her tale.

She explained everything, from when she found that cave and made that wish, and when she realized that her friends were having a horrible time, and that it was a mistake to make that wish, and when she met Ruby, she started to tear up at that part. She wiped away her tears, and continued on about how she found the cave and how she got back.  

When she had finished, everyone's mouths were hanging open. Jesse giggled. "You're kidding me, right?" Olivia asked. Jesse shook her head. "Nope," she said. "Wow, you went on an adventure without us, huh?" Petra asked. "That's not fair," Petra finished in a toddler voice, and pouted. Everyone started to laugh at her comment. "Can we go eat something, I'm starving," Axel interrupted the laughing. So, the new order then went into the kitchen again and served out breakfast. Then they went to do their own thing for a while.

Jesse went around the treehouse. She had really  missed it, and she wanted to see it all again. Then she went outside. The scenery around the treehouse was magnificent. She breathed in the fresh morning air and heard the early morning noises. It was good to be back. Jesse went to town to see how the people are, and if there was any problems she could fix. When she walked into town, everyone greeted her and fangirled at her arrival. "Oh, my gosh, it's Jesse, everyone!" a townsperson screamed. "As in, the Jesse?" another asked. "Yeah!!!" the first voice piped up again, and then a crowd of people were around her. Jesse decided that town wasn't the best place to be right now, and left as quickly as she had come. It took a while but she finally escaped the townspeople's clutches.

On her way back to the treehouse, she saw a group of pigs huddled together. Jesse bit her lip to stop her from crying. Reuben and Ruby, two pigs that she really cared about.  She tried to avoid those thoughts but she just couldn't. Jesse started to run, all the way to Reuben's memorial. Tears flew from her face as she ran. She got there and looked at Reuben's portrait, then she broke into tears and fell to her knees. "Reuben, Reuben," she whispered to herself as she stroked the picture of her best friend. She sat there crying her eyes out. That was one of the cons of undoing that wish. Reuben would be gone again. And now Ruby's gone as well. (Get ready for Lukesse ;)

"Jesse," a voice quietly whispered. Jesse didn't want to look back because she didn't want to show that she was upset. She wiped her tears away and put on a fake smile as Lukas came to sit next to her. "Y-yeah," she said. "Are you okay," he asked. Jesse just nodded and didn't make eye contact with him. "Jesse, it's obvious that you're not okay." he explained. Jesse didn't say anything. "Thinking about Reuben, huh?" he said. Jesse slowly nodded. "Hey, can you tell me how you guys met, cause I always wondered what the story was." he asked. Jesse looked at him and smiled lightly. "Well, I met him when I was very young, he was being chased by a horde of zombies, so I helped him. He was badly bruised and injured, so I brought him home and nursed him back to health. He was loyal to me ever since." she explained. (That was a very bad story, sorry :) "He was an awesome pig, and... I understand that you're sad, but.... you might want to let him go," he started. Jesse felt tears start to form again. " Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not saying you have to completely forget about him or anything, but.... if you always keep on thinking about him, it will just slow you down. I understand why it would be hard, but just....try, I want that happy, strong Jesse back." he finished. As much as she wanted to tell him that he was wrong, she couldn't. She knew that he had a point. She had to forget about him, and get on with life. That didn't stop the tears though. They kept on gushing like a waterfall.

"You're right, but I don't think I can forget about him that easily." she said. "That's fine, I never expected for him to just disappear out of your thoughts instantly, it will take time," he agreed. "I knew you would understand," she replied and hugged him. She cried into his chest, but Lukas didn't care. He gently stroked her black hair. Jesse always knew that she could trust Lukas with anything. He was so nice, and would understand. That's one of a million reasons why she liked him. She couldn't keep that secret anymore. She had  to tell him that she liked him. She broke up the hug, and she looked down onto the ground to hide her blushing face. 'It's now, or never,' she thought, as she took a deep breath. "Lukas, I need to tell you something," she started to say. Lukas looked at her, with confused eyes. "You can tell me anything," he sincerely told her. She grabbed his wrist and started to run. They ran to Jesse's secret hideout, where she hung out when she needed time out by herself. "Where are we?" he asked when they made there. "This is where I like to go when I want to be by myself, and be lost in my own thoughts." she explained.

It was beautiful. It was a field of field of flowers, they were all different colors, but they matched together so well. It was evening, and it looked wonderful as the sun shone brightly onto the flowers, making it look like a dream. Jesse loved this place. It was a nice place to be, and calms your nerves when your angry or any other reason. That's exactly why she brought Lukas here. So she can confidently say those three words. The wind slowly swayed her hair and her face slowly started to blush.

"Lukas.... I... I love you," she admitted. Lukas's face turned rosy red, and Jesse's was the same. He didn't know what to say. Jesse waited for his reply. "It's okay if you don't like me back, I-" she started to say but Lukas stopped her. With a kiss. Jesse's eyes widened in surprise, but soon enough she kissed back. Those few moments felt like forever, but the pair soon let go. "Jesse, I like you too, in fact I love  you, ever since I went on that adventure to beat the witherstorm with you, I've always had a crush on you. I was afraid you wouldn't like me back, or that I would lose you, so I didn't tell you." he told her. Jesse started crying. This was like the fiftieth time she cried today, but finally these tears were happy tears. She couldn't express how delighted she was, now that she got that off her chest. On instinct, she hugged him, and muttered," I love you so much," under her breath. The pair stood like that for a long time. The sun started to set, making the field of flowers look even more pretty. The sun slowly went down, as the sky started to turn a deep-crimson red. The atmosphere was perfect as the two lovers broke up their embrace, and started to get home.

Hope you liked the Lukesse!!! :) It was kind of bad, but I didn't know what to write. This is not the last chapter, but I think there's only two more chapters left.


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