Chapter Four {Unfamiliar Territory}

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Feeling your body come to life after a restful sleep, you stretch your arms outward and arch your back. Your eyes flutter open. The blurry world around you starts to come into focus as shapes start to become recognizable; a lantern, a crate serving as a table, a tall mirror... But the shapes didn't quite look the same. Had you fallen asleep in one of the other rooms of your apartment? Or maybe even fallen asleep at Link's house. Once the morning blurs cleared, you realize you had never seen this place before. You try to sit up, but something rough and scratchy was keeping your arm from being able to move from the bed. You look over and see your wrist fastened to the bedpost with rope. Panic sunk in and you start to tug at your arm, trying to force yourself free, but all it did was make your shoulder and wrist sore.

From across the hall in another room, your captor heard something fall and shatter against the floor. He picked his head up and thought about what could have made a noise like that. During his thought process, he heard another crash, but this time whatever fell banged across the floor for a few seconds. He smiled. She's awake, he thought.

Terror set in as you tried to undo the knot with your free hand, but it was pointless. Undoing knots was impossible without two hands. You hadn't realized that during your little hysterical episode you had knocked the lantern and a glass of water off a crate that sat next to your bed, creating a mess on the floor. You heard the door squeak open. You look towards the sound to see a man walk in. He wore a white shirt tucked into tan pants with the ties at the collar undone, revealing some muscle. The eerie thing about him wasn't his dark skin, or his red eyes, or even the fact that he wore his boots indoors. No, the strangest thing about him was that he looked exactly like Link, down to the last detail.

You were frozen in place, as if trying to hide in plain sight from the man. He looked at you for a moment, studying you, violating you with his eyes, and then took slow strides towards you. You slinked back, trying to get as far away as possible, but not getting very far. He stopped abruptly and knit his brows in confusion when he noticed you trying to get away. But then his confusion turned to anger. His steps towards you became slightly faster and the smile, as slight as it may have been, was replaced by a mean scowl. He leaned over you and grabbed you by the chin, making your cheeks look a little fatter. It was humiliating how fat your cheeks could get. Naturally you tried to pull away, but he was strong enough to keep you in place. He didn't speak for a long moment. He just stood there, face inches from yours, studying you. Several times his eyes came to yours, and every time you would try to look away. But every time you tried to look away he would tighten his grip on your chin, forcing your eyes back to his beautiful red ones. They were the color of blood, the vivid red of the freshly spilled. His fingers were anything but gentle. You were pretty sure you were going to end up with a couple unsightly finger shaped bruises across your jawline.

"What do they call you?" His voice was low, lower than Link's and more rouged as well. The kind of voice that could make any woman melt into a puddle on the floor in seconds. When you didn't answer, he shook your head a little and repeated himself. "What do they call you?" he said again, a little angrier sounding.

"______..." you squeaked. He looked confused by your answer. What had he expected?

"Why do they call you this?" he asked. He was treating you like a rare fairy that was supposed to do some unbelievable task like bring someone back from the dead or .

"It-it's my name," your voice was hoarse and your throat was dry. "It's the name I was given as a baby."

"Why?" he said. How were you supposed to answer that? Because when you make a baby you need to give it a name so you don't confuse it with all the other babies?

"Why?" he shook your head again.

"I don't know! My parents just liked it, I guess!" he let go of your chin with a little push and stood. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose and out his mouth. When he had calmed, he looked back down at you.

"Do you know the hero?" you thought for a moment and then realized he meant Link.

"You mean Link?" you asked. He closed his eyes and took a frustrated breath in.

"Yes, Link. I take it that you do know him,"

"Yeah, he's a good friend of mine. Why do you-" he waved his hand and cut you off.

"How do you make him happy?" you gave him a blank stare. How do you make him happy? How does anyone make anyone happy? He waited patiently for your answer.

"I don't know," You said in a wimpy tone. If there was a wrong answer out of all the possible answers you could have given him, that was it. His eyes turned cold and his body stiffened into a rigid form. You wanted to curl up and hide. He took another exasperated breath and bent over, getting to eyelevel with you.

"I'm not playing games, girl. Now, one more time, how do you make him happy? I've seen you two together. He has no more night terrors, no more sadness, this is the first time he's been happy in years." You knew you had to think about your answer this time. Another 'I don't know' could be the end of you.

"I-I talk to him, I try to be nice to him..."


"I... I spend time with him, I've... hugged him..." a light blush dusted your cheeks as you thought of that wonderful, yet awkward hug in the town. He stood back up and closed his eyes in a frustrated manner. He began to walk towards the door and as his hand nearly touched the doorknob, you stopped him. Now that he had his answers, you wanted yours.

"Why do you want to know all this anyways?" he turned his head to you and gave you an unreadable look somewhere between confusion and frustration.

"That story is for another time." He turned to leave again, but you stopped him once more.

"Wait," He turned to you again, this time he groaned in annoyance.


"What's your name?" He studied your face for a moment and then met your eyes with his.

"Link," he said before turning away and closing the door behind him.


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