I Hate Goodbyes

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"Breaking new Camila Cabello" click

"Camila Cabelo of Fifth Harmony" Click

"Looks like Fifth Harmony is no more" Click 

"For fucks sake leave it on one damn channel already you know that is all they will talk about" An irritated voice shouts 

"Turns out the five piece is no longer in Harmony. Earlier last night the Fifth Harmony Twitter account has broken the news that one of it's members Camila Cabello has called it quits with the multiplatinum group. According to the statement it read 'Via her representatives we have been informed that Camila will no longer be a part of Fifth harmony.' Ouch that sounds a bit unprofessional if you ask me. Its been rumored for some time now that the girls of Fifth Harmony have not been getting along but for Camila to not even tell her bandmates to their face that she was leaving that's a bit hard to swallow. Not even seconds after that news broke though harmonizers went insane. Some were heart broken while others started rejoicing stated it was a bout time she left. I don't know about you but this sure doesn't seem to look good for miss Cabello" The announcer states 

"Wow they are really tearing her apart" A small voice says from behind her

"Can we not talk about it" The girl states turning off the tv and starting to get up 

"Lauren you're going to have to talk about it. I mean you're still married to her and she backed stabbed you and the other girls by doing what she did" The voice says a bit louder making the green eyed girl turn around with a glare

"You have no idea what you're talking about Lucy so I suggest you stay out of this okay. I am warning you" Lauren states in a semi angry ton. 

For the past 12 hours since that Statement was sent out by the management team all she's been thinking about is that she hasn't had any form of contact with the girl she loves after their set finished the night before.  To her it was all a blur but she knows the last things she remembers is having a huge smile after singing Work from Home for the last time with Camila and then after they walked off stage Camila was gone from her side. After that had happened they were informed by Tara and Will that Camila had decided to leave for good from the group and that she will no longer be part of the Fifth Harmony. Of course Lauren and the other girls acted shocked and hurt as they had all agreed to do. What they were expecting though was how their team was quick to make it public and then start pointing fingers. They were even told to not go anywhere near social media for the next 4 to 5 days until they were able to some how get this under control, but Lauren knew better. None of this was going to get under control.  Maverick had in some way started round two of Harmonizers versus Camila.  Something that Lauren hated. 

"I'm sorry okay but it's just after everything you both had been through and for her to do that. It's not right Lauren. I know you love her and all but she fucked you and the other girls over by doing what she did." Lucy tries arguing 

"Lucy I already told you don't get involved okay I'm serious" Lauren grits out making Lucy raise her hands up in surrender .


"So here is the plan.  We are going to counter the statement from the group account and you are going to give you side of the situation but also make it clear that you left because you felt unhappy and that you did not want things ending this way but you wish them well. Now I'm serious on this last part Camila. Play the victim card use it to your advantage. Make the fans realize that you are human too and even though this is your dream your happiness comes first." Rodger states 

"But I was never really unhappy while in Fifth Harmony I mean yeah I had certain times we we all argued and that I would feel bad but I was never unhappy if anything my time with those girls were the best five years of my life. I actually had Friends for once besides the two I had back home. I can't lie to the fans." Camila Argues looking at Rodger and her mother

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