Listen up!Watson:
We are.Sherlock:
Is everyone here?Irene:
Yes.Mrs. Hudson:
Of course.Anderson:
Recently I have made quite the discovery.Lestrade:
Which is?Sherlock:
These. 🙂Lestrade:
What are those... Things?Sherlock:
They are called "emojis."Watson:
How do you get them?Sherlock:
They're under your keyboard settings.Moriarty:
Look Sherlock, there's even you! 🕵️Sherlock:
Shut up.Irene:
Those are really weird.Mrs. Hudson:
It's John! 👨🏼Watson:
That was not necessary.Sherlock:
So sending that to Mary.Watson:
It's Moriarty! 😵[Moriarty has kicked Anderson from the chat]
Come on! That was pretty good.Sherlock:
Guys, someone is Video-chatting me.Irene:
Well record it and send it to us.Watson:
Do it!Sherlock:
Oh alright... Hang on for a second.Sherlock:
Alright, that was strange. It bugs out at some parts, so it's a bit weird to listen to... But here it is.Audio Message:
Hel... Hello? Is anyone there? I seem... seemed to have crashed in central Lo... London. They foll... followed me here. My name is The Doc...A.N- Hey everyone! It sure has been a while, a year actually! A whole 365 Days, 52 weeks, 12 months, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes, and 31536000 seconds-but who's counting?- I know I've been quite inactive, but I'm back and grooving. Which is groovy. And groovy is good. But now that I'm back, I plan to update more (betcha haven't heard that one before.), but this is the only book I'm going to update at the time. A chapter a week. My promise. But also, guess what? It's the 1 YEAR anniversary of Sherlock Texts! I wrote the first chat on March 16, 2016. I would've done something to celebrate, but it's not like I've been updating frequently... So come in, have some cake:🎂, drinks:🥛, and snacks: 🍕. So now that you're here, join the Moriparty. Because...
Sherlock Texts
RandomSee what the Consulting Detective and his crew do in their free-time