Ink of Hope (BasicallyidoNogla/DaithideBasically)

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A/N: Requested by GryffindorRainbows I hope I did your prompt to your liking!

David's P.O.V.

"Hey guys, it's Daithi here, and boy do I have a story for you guys today! So I met this guy..."


I've always wanted to meet my soulmate. I didn't care what their gender was, all I wanted to do was meet them. That's what made me decide to travel the world to see if I could find them, because, by god, if they haven't found me by now, what are they doing with their life? So I was going to find them. I had been everywhere-- Russia, Japan, Paris, Utah.

I had actually given up, and was walking into a tattoo parlor that I made an appointment at, staring down at my upper right arm at my soulmark one last time. Everyone says my soulmark looks like some sort of bird or something, but I always thought it looks like an upside-down dolphin or something like that. But that's beside the point.

As I sat down in the chair, my tattooist comes into the room. He is tall, but not as tall as me (but really, who can you name that is taller than me?), mixed, with pretty brown eyes, and was wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off his left arm full sleeve tattoo and his lower right arm half sleeve. He was looking at a clip board, and said, "Hey, what's up, my name is Marcel, and I'm here to remove your...soulmark? Are you sure dude? You'll never be able to find your soulmate."

I nodded, saying, "I'm sure." He sharply nodded back, got his supplies out and ready, and after starting up his needle, leaned down, giving me a full view of his upper right arm-- which had my soulmark on it.

"WAIT!" We both screamed, me jumping out of the chair, and him backing away. We stared at each other in silence, until he opened his mouth. And it wasn't with cute little statements about me, it was;

"SO I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS FOR MY SOULMATE TO MEET ME, AND WHEN I FINALLY DO I MEET THEM BECAUSE THEY MADE AN APPOINTMENT TO REMOVE OUR SOULMARK! YEAH, SUCH A GREAT SOULMATE," He pauses and looks at the list, then continues with, "DAVID!" He paused again, and double-takes at my name. "You know, I actually expected something more Irish."

I looked at him funnily, and asked, "You knew I was Irish?" 

He glanced at me and grinned, saying sassily, "Honey, people five blocks down the street knew you were Irish. I could hear the bagpipes and leprechauns when you stepped through the door."

"Okay, first off, that's kinda mean for someone you just met-- especially your soulmate. Second, bagpipes are Scottish."

He threw his head back and laughed, then, after he calmed down, he smiled at me and said, "I take back everything I said about you. We'll be great soulmates."


"And that's how I met my soulmate, Marcel! Now, he wanted to talk to you all."

A guy, who all the subscribers guessed was "Marcel" walked on to screen, sat down next to Nogla, and waved. "Hey guys, as this doofus has said, I'm Marcel. It's nice to meet you all!" He smiled at the camera sweetly, then continued by saying, "If you ever get tired of this dumbass, just come on over my channel called BasicallyidoWrk, no o."

"You can't just come into one of my videos and do some shameless self promotion!" Nogla said indignantly.

Marcel laughed, and flicked the beanie that Nogla was wearing off his head, and said "Watch me you pot of gold loving motherfucker." Then he ran off screen, with Nogla chasing after him, the chair he was sitting in knocked over from his abrupt departure.

And the video ends there.

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