Louis was a small fragile boy that is openly gay since his freshman year in high school he was never really bully into his Junior year. By the Harry Styles which is the most popular boy in school.harry embarassed Louis front of the whole school. Aft...
*phone starts ring* louis grown and pick up his phone only to see it was his best friend niall.
Niall:"get your ass up lou im going to pick you up in 30 min".
Louis: "fuck niall im trying to sleep".
Niall: "idc get up or im going drag your ass to school dont think i wont".😏
Louis: "fine sometimes i ask myself y im friends with you".😒
Niall:"bc you loooovvveee me so much and would probably die witout me".
Louis: "sure that the reason but anyway going get dress see you in awhile".
I put my phone on my dresser and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before i have to get dress. I shave my legs into it was smooth like a baby skin. I wash my hair with my strawberry shampoo that i love so much. Then i wash the rest of my body just enjoying the warm water hitting against my skin taking in the sound of the peaceful water hitting the bathroom tub. I got out of the tube and put on my skin tight black jeans this really show off my ass. Then i put on a plain white shirt with a blue jean shirt. After i brush my hair and brush my teeth and grab my phone to head down stairs to see my mom in the kitchen makeing breakfast.
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"Hay love you going sit down for breakfast" my mom said but she wasnt faceing my direction. "No mom niall is going to pick me up in ab-" a honk outside cut me off before i got to finish what i was going to say. "I think he already here love" she laugh then turn around from what she was doing in my direction so she can give me a hug. "Stay safe my pretty boy and tell niall i said hello". I hug my mom back and left to go in the car that was park in front off my house not before saying bye to my mom.
"Finally i would have died the time you came outside", my goofy bestfriend start saying. "Niall beauty take time u dont roll out bed like this". Niall look at me with an disgusted face, "lou i know you my friend but you are more like a 6 and im a fucking 100" he said cant hold his laugh in any longer. I really dont know why im friends with this boy. "Oh shut up and drive me to school already". As you wish Majesty"
Niall start driveing to school, the car ride was just small talk, after about 15 min. We arrive to school uhh i really hate this place so much. Their was a time where i actually enjoy school but after that asshole harry style came here he been nothing but rude to me like im trash just because im gay.
Me and niall walk in school heading to are lockers which his is only three lockers down from my. When i reach my locker i was about to open it into i heard a girl squealing coming from the hallway, i look up to see my 2 other best friend the squealing was from niall girlfriend Rebeeca. She have black puffy curls that is so soft in my opinion. She wear this big brown glasses that fit her just right, her dress show off her beautiful dark skin well. Her lips are pink and puffy if i wasnt gay i would probably would have dated her. Of course if she wasnt dating niall. How did niall get a girl like her the world would never know that.
(This the dress she was wearing)
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Next to her was my other best friend delilah(which is also Selena Gomez) she have short dark brown hair that she cut last year. She medium height around the same height as me. She have rosly cheeks with that match her lovably baby face that i grew to love over my high school years. She have a small slim body and her beautiful dark brown eyes remind me of chocolate.
(This what Delilah wearing)
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"Becky calm down why are you squealing" i said opening my locker. "Because i just found out that luke hemmings the hot one not the gross one FUCKING likes lou" becky was so exited like she could jump off the walls any moment. "That cool becky but im not interest in him like that". Not really looking for a relationship. Delilah was on her phone not giving to two shit about the conversion right now she was on her phone playing flipy birds. "But louuu he hot and you need someone you havent had a boyfriend sense you came out of the closet" she said while pouting.
"Who hot babe"?? Niall came up behind rebeeca wraping his arms around her waist. "No one you the only one that is hot in my eyes", she said turning around to fully kiss on niall. They end up in the a full make out session. "Eww you guys get a damn room" delilah said putting up her phone. "Come on louis we going be late to class if we dont hurry up" delilah said trying to pull me. "Ok go on without me i still need to put my books up" after that they all left to class.
I pull my books out of my bookbag and put it in my locker i shut the my locker pulling my bookbag on my back. The bell just ring great im late to class. I start heading to class in the now empty hallway into i heard clicking sound like someone walking. I turn around to look behind me to see someone i dont want to see ever.
"Why the little gay slut out of class"?? I look at him with fear because i know i have no chance aganist him he stronger and taller then me. Next thing i know im push aganist the lockers. "I ask you a fucking question fag and im not going to ask you again", he whisper yell in my ear. "I-I was just heading to class". I whisper feeling mad at myself because im giveing him this power.
He throw me on the ground then throw punchings at my stomach, i was yelling for him to stop it hurts so bad. After 10 min. Of hitting and kicking me in the stomach he left but not before insulting my body. Right now im crying on the floor thinking why do he hate me so much.
--------------------------------------------------- Omg this my first charter on this book tell me what you think but only positive response. Also keep reading it going to get crazy later on.❤❤❤❤