charper 2

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Louis pov~

Shit my stomach hurt like hell uhh why am im so weak i hate my fucking self i think to myself while walking to class. "Why are you late mr. Tomlinson" my eng. Teacher ask i look in the class into my eyes fell on a certain curly hair boy. He look at me with hatred in his eyes. I quicking look away feeling uncomfortable and a little insecure. "Uhmm sorry ma'am i had to use the restroom". She look up at me then send me to seat down. I walk to the middle of the class room to a empty chair next to delilah. She look at me not believing that little story i told the teacher.

"Im calling bullshit on your story lou you know damn well you wasnt in the restroom". I look at her not in the mood of talking about this right now, i just wanted to go home and sleep.

"How would you know where i was last time i check i dont have to tell you where im am 24/7". I roll my eyes and started to draw stick people on my note book not giving any fucks what this teacher saying. The rest of the class i was so uncomfortable because i could feel someone was staring at me the whole period there eyes burning in the back of my head.

As soon as the bell ring i pack up my thing and hurry out of the class. Couldnt handle the stares anymore it was driving me crazy. "Louis wait up please stop" delilah was trying to get him to stop but louis speed up just wanted to be alone to think to get things off his head.

I walk to the bleachers outside the school for the last 4 period just thinking why do he get bully for being himself.

*******flash back**********
It was three weeks into his junior year of high school he was walking in the hallway laughing with niall,rebeeca,and delilah we was heading outside from school when we all said are goodbyes.

Niall usually drive me home but it was a nice day outside so i wanted to walk home. I was about to reach the school doors that lead to the outside but then someone came out of nowhere and we ran into each other. I fell on my ass damn who the fuck ran into be that hurt. I was about to get up into i heard a angely vioce i look up to see the most beautiful person that i ever saw that walk on this earth.

He had long locks of brown chocolate curls that i love to stick my hands though them to feel if the really soft like how they look like. He have the most greenest eyes i ever seen that i can get lost in their and i wouldn't mind. His cheek bone is soooo ugh just the sexy part on hos face. I was cut out of my thoughts when the boy started to yell at me.

"What the fuck dude watch where you going" he got up and state to dust himself off. And didnt even brother to help me up. "Im sorry but you came out of nowhere" i tried to explain but i was cut off by him. "Dont blame be because you cant walk right". After he said that he push past me mumbling under his brenth angry walking down the hall.

After that misunderstanding he stated to bully me for no reason and when i try to ask him why he would punch me in the face and tell me because i deserve all this and hit me again and again and again into i cant even move.

*******fashback end***********
I look up at the clouds just thinking about the first time harry came to this school we could have been friends if he didnt bully me but i guess some stuff wasn't might to be i was snap out of my daydream when i heard a familiar voice.

"Hay what a pretty boy like you doing outside here by yourself". I look in the direction where the voice was coming from. At first i was confused why he was here but then i remember what rebeeca told be earlier today.

"What are you doing here luke" looking at him woth a confused look. "I was coming out here for a quick smoke and get my head off of thing". "What about you love" he said while popping a cigarette between his pink slim lips.

"Im doing the same school is being a ass right now". "Oh is that right what are you thinking about". He now looking at me with full attention. "Well i was just thinking about how im going to get in school with out getting caught". I lied i didnt want him to know i was daydreaming about the first time i meet harry that be to awkward. Luke starting laughing while putting out his cigarette. "If you didnt want to tell me you could have told me instead of makeing up this lame excuse". I was blushing because i was embarrass that i can only come up with that.

"Im sorry but it kind of personal and i just dont want to tell anyone". He just chuckle "it ok little one i understand no need to apologize" . "How about this for being so rude to you let me buy you lunch today".

I thought about it for a moment do i really want to go back into the school?? then i decide. "Ok i let you buy me lunch only if you dont tell anyone i was out here deal" i stuck my hand out for him to shake it. He smile then grab my hand and kiss it "Deal".

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