Ivory, Cream, Parchment

15 0 14

The sound of metal screeching in the distance, a long overdue warmth spills over the city. It's a typical morning in Tokyo, the elders are chatting about the splendid weather the heavens above decided to dawn on earth today. The black and white businessmen striding along the golden roads, uniform youths picking up a similar pace with different apparel. Thread of destiny weaving everyone together.

If life is like drawing a very long line, I imagine everyone having a fine trail of thread marking the past. Everyone you meet or even meet eyes with, is a crossing point between your lines.

=~= real shit dissing down below

No creepy guy today but he showed up a the day before and he nudged me to get my attention.


Like legit though I'm not all that comfy with physical contact.

And I was low key nervous because he kept trying to get me to react and I didn't give him the time of day.

And then he made this weird noise that I suppose was a low sad cry like some odd creature would make.

Sorry not sorry you really freaked me out a while back mr.Kobayashi

We have this feeble "graduation ceremony" on Saturday and every class is supposed to come up with some performance.

Nakajima was all "Oh I got a great idea" and I blame myself for not having the heart to tell him his idea sucks

And now we're singing Blessings with the lyrics changed to fit our occasion.

He said he worked really hard on it and didn't sleep all night etc.

I'm not in the place to judge but all I see is the lyrics with our names to indicate which verses we belong to.

It's pretty crappy too no offense though.

I guess we shouldn't rely on a person who doesn't listen to other people's opinions and cheats on simple kanji tests.

The teacher asked us to pick a song in Japanese that was relevant to graduation. And easy to learn because we are all foreigners.

The result is a deep and fast ass song that was originally about birthdays.

I blame myself for not stopping the guy.

Btw you can pretty much tell who has been involved in planning shit for events for their class before by how they handle the situation. And Nakajima isn't really a team person..

Anyways I guess it'll kind of work. Or not.

I dunno he's a good person but i guess he's too used to being independent he doesn't listen to other people's opinions. Pretty oblivious, too.

He thinks he's top notch. It's almost funny. He was like "Ok, sing with your diaphragm loud and clearly." when we first got the lyrics. Then he sings totally off-key and so confidently I'm kinda awed. And singing with your diaphragm takes a lot of practice, I doubt the chap even knows how, his throat hurt after a few runs, indicating that he didn't use his diaphragm I suppose.

I don't even know where to start tbh. So much is wrong it's a mess and he's super confident. I find this really funny.

I must be evil.

But no I won't tell him because I am not a direct person kms I blend right in with the Japanese society istg.

So yeah everything's a mess but hey after the graduation thing we're heading to Tokyo Dome City. I hope "Moha chan" will come because I don't think I'll make it through without someone else to share the Nakajima irony moments with.

Legit I can't even.

Another story time:

Nakajima is pretty overweight, it's not a pretty sight though. And one day instead of his massive Lawson lunch haul he wanted to "eat healthy" so he bought a bag full of apples and started eating them just like that. Complete with a super sugary cheap crappy Lipton apple tea, the 1 litre kind.

Another story time:

He says he is good at English and lists it as one of his strengths. Ironically, he has almost the crappiest English I've ever heard from a Filipino since I've come to Japan. Almost is because I haven't really talked to the bottom ranked one.

I've been in Japan for almost 4 months and my Japanese is pretty much the same level as him I swear, perhaps better I dunno.

And he's half Japanese rip.

Sorry this whole entry was pretty much dissing my classmate but I really can't even.

I mean it's so facepalm-ish that I need to share it with others. Or I'd die.

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