The Sword

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This story was written not long after I saw Final Fantasy Advent Children for the first time. The story is not accurate to the world of Final Fantasy and yes it has an OC of mine. Enjoy.

 I sat there huddled on a rock in the cold rain. My black jacket failed in repelling the rain and rather the material absorbed the water. My jacket however was not on my mind. Rather it was the item I sat staring at that matter the most.

It was a sword. Perhaps a monument for a fallen warrior. The sword is quite large, and the blade was wide. I could only hazard to guess the wielder's strength for wielding such a large weapon. The blade was sunk deep into the ground probably to make sure the it wouldn't easily be disturbed.

The blade was damaged in different ways. There's a bit of rust near the hilt of the blade. The hilt and blade were the same width. The sword only has one sharp edge, it's chipped on that side. All in all the blade had very little ware. I can only assume the wielder may have died before much use could come from the weapon.

The handle is long and ragged from the worn, roughed fabric wrapped around it. Judging by the size the blade is probably meant for two hands. There is a smaller concentration of ware much greater than the rest. The wielder must have used one hand a bit more than the other. The length of the ware indicates much broader hands than that of a woman's. The wielder must have been male.

My jacket is now soaked through. The down pour was becoming more and more drenching but it doesn't stop me from letting my hood down. The big, wet drops feel cool and refreshing on my scalp. I don't take my eyes off the sword, examining it thoroughly. I know this sword well even before examining it. Many questions about the swordsmen remains. What was his name? Who killed him? Why did he die? Who marked this place with his sword and for what reason?

The rain lightens up to a shower. Enough that I that I can drive with my goggles on without wiping water off every seceond. I may only be fifteen years old but I'm old enough to drive according to Shinra Corp. I got a motorcycle license not long after I was hired. Right now Shinra has me doing trial runs on some of their vehicle prototypes. They've given me the finished product of the first prototype I've ever ridden. I use it for recreational use like today. 

I feel my pocket buzz and pull out my cell phone, looking down at it to keep the rain from getting on the screen. Reno texts me.

"New Prototype. Come soon."

As I return to my bike I look back at the sword before getting on. I know the sword's origins but not much else. In terms of the wielder I know very little. I plan on asking Rude or Reno what they know about it but likely the information is top secret as is just about everything else. Swinging my leg over, I notice another bike coming towards me. No, not me. He's coming in the same direction but his true purpose is the sword. Whatever reason behind this weapons position and state it's not in a friendly relationship with Shinra.

I kick the stand back and ride away going the more rocky route back to the corporation letting the other rider have his own time with the blade. At the bottom of the cliff the sword is looking over I look back up at it. After a small and quick thanks to the wielder of the large sword I return to Shinra Corp.

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