Chapter Three

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Being a revolutionary nurse is very different from being a British nurse. Since the colonists do not have as much money and support as Britain does, staff was very short and you were very busy throughout the whole day.

You absolutely loved it. You were never bored since you were always preoccupied with mending wounds or stitching a soldier up.

All of the other nurses were incredibly kind to you and you even made a very good friend in one of the head nurses, Mary. She was the one who trained you and during it you both realized how much you both had in common and developed a quick and close relationship.

Your favorite part of the day is when General Washington would stop by the tent and "survey" how the nurses and harmed soldiers were doing. The other nurses would giggle whenever he came in because according to them, he never did that until you started working.

"Evening, Miss (L/N)."

You looked up from the soldier who had a minor stab wound you were tending to, "Evening, General. The men hurt from the battle the other day are healing up very nicely if that was what you are here for."

The almighty general coughed while his face flushed slightly pink, "Ah yes, that's what I was here for," his eyes flitted around the tent, "I'll still have a look around. Just to make sure everything is in order."

You nodded and looked back at the soldier, giving him medicine to make sure his injury wouldn't get infected. In the middle of your conversation with him, you heard someone clear their throat. You turned around and saw General Washington holding his hat, his face pinker than before.

"I..." he started off rocking back and forth on his heels, "I was wondering if you could accompany me around..."

You raised an eyebrow at this and looked confused at him. His face turned red at your expression and soon the other nursed noticed and giggled quietly as the scene unfolded before them.

"I meant so you can just tell me the status of my men! You are the nurse here and you could just tell me how they are healing when they would be back." Washington quickly explained to you.

You laughed and stood up, saying goodbye to the soldier you were helping, and walked over to the General. He gently grabbed your arm and looped it around his, allowing you to guide him. This time it was your face that turned slightly pink but nevertheless you continued onward and talked about each soldier in the medical tent.

Finally you got to the last man and started telling Washington his condition until...

"Well, Mr. Henwood here had a very nasty bullet lodged in his left shoulder. If you look-" You stopped yourself when you noticed the General wasn't looking at the man but instead was staring at you. "Sir are you even listening to what I am saying?"

His eyes widened and unlooped his arm from yours while taking a step back.

"Well, uh, thank you Miss (L/N) but I have very important business to intend to." He sputtered, unable to look at you in the eye even though he was just staring at you moments ago. "I hope to see you tomorrow, goodbye." He turned around and lifted the flap of the tent, leaving you and the rest of the nurses, in stunned silence until a wave of squeals were heard throughout the room. Mary came up to you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders.

"I think the General has a crush on you," She whispered in you ear. "And I think you have a crush on him too!" She sung out loud.

"Mary!" You harshly whispered. "Don't say that! He doesn't like me. He's only here to check up on the soldiers."

Mary raised an eyebrow at this, looking at you with the silent question of "Really?"

You blushed, "He probably wouldn't like me anyways...I'm just a nurse..."

At that Mary grinned, "So you do like him!"

"I never said that! I just said he wouldn't like me!" You answered indignantly.

"But you never denied liking him." She smirked.

You rolled your eyes. "Don't forget to check up on Mr. Brown's hand soon."

"Oh yes! Thank you for reminding me (Y/N)" Mary said and walked off.

You giggled and got right back to work but a little more distracted than usual as a certain general was always running through your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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