He Deserved It

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Cole's POV
It's been 5 months since Jay and Nya have been married. And it's been 7 months since me and Alex have been dating. I bought Alex a wedding ring👆and I wanted to purpose to her. I already got her parent's blessing I just needed someone's blessing.... Jay's. I went out of the bounty and saw everyone training. Alex.. My future wife was training with Nya. Kai and Skylor were training together. Zane and Pixal are training together. Zane build Pixal again. Lloyd is training himself. Wu and Misako are talking, and Jay is playing video games. Ok here I go. I can do this.

"Hey Jay can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure. What's up?" Jay asked while we go in the living room. "I wanted... T-T-To ask for y-y-your ble-blessing fo-for m-me t-to mar-marry Alex." I said. "Are you asking me for that blessing thingy?" Jay asked. "Y-Yeah." I answers sweating. "Um. No." Jay said seriously. "Why?" I asked. "What if She's not ready?" Jay asked. "What if she is ready?" I asked. "Cole. Your not going to purpose to her! You don't have my blessing! We don't know if she wants to marry you!" Jay answered.

"We don't know that until you give me the blessing then I purpose to her." I said while defending myself. "Cole! Enough I said No!" Jay said as he left. "Jay... Man! I can't believe it he won't let me purpose to Alex! "Come on Jay!" I begged. "No! Cole! Enough!" Jay yelled while me and him were in the training room. "Why? Jay why? She might be ready?!" I complained. "She might not be ready Cole!" Jay snapped.

Me and Jay were arguing and everyone except Alex was watching us. "So you can be happy and I can't?!" I asked in anger. "I'm not saying that at all! You can be happy. You just can't be happy WITH MY SISTER!!!!!" Jay yelled causing everyone to gasp. "Jay... I... Why?" I asked. I wanted to cry.

He doesn't understand how badly I love Alex. He never did. He doesn't give a damn about it! He can't control my happiness! I'm going to purpose to her. But for some reason I keep on thinking... What if she isn't ready?... I can't purpose to her if I don't have Jay's blessing.

Damn it Jay! As Jay left all eyes were on me I looked at them. I felt embarrassed. My cheeks were all red. Kai was laughing, that made me blush even in more embarrassment. I ran to my room. I didn't cry or anything  I'm just punching the punching bag in my room that I keep. I hear the alarm go off.

"There's a break in the bank!" Zane yells. I did Spinjitzu and put my ninja GI on. "Where's the bank at?" Kai asked. "At Ninjago city. Come on let's go!" Lloyd said. "Ok. Where here!" Zane shouted. "Ok. Let's go!" Nya shouted. We went in the bank and saw some burglars putting some money in some bags. The police were tied up. So we attacked the burglars. Alex was fighting off a burglar.

Alex's POV
I was fighting off a burglar and I was about to punch him in the face until he grabbed me by the waist and flipped me over I fell. I got back up kicked him he fell. He got mad so he grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up. I was choking I couldn't breath. Cole and Jay saw me. "Alex!!!" Jay & Cole yelled. "I'll save you!" Jay yelled. "Earth!" Cole shouted. "Lightni- hey!" Jay yelled. He yelled because Cole's power pushed Jay's lightning power away and Cole's power hit the burglar while Jay's power hit me. It shocked me. I passed out cold.

Jay's POV
I used my lightning power and Cole's power pushed away my power. Cole's power hit the burglar and my power hit... Alex. She yelled in pain and passed out. "ALEX!!!" I yelled. Cole was beating the crap out of the burglar that was choking Alex. The burglar's face was all bloody, bruises on his jaw, scratches on his eye. When I yelled Alex's name Cole looked at her... He froze in fear... Pain. "ALEX!!!!! NO!!!" Cole yelled while running to her. "The burglars got away!" Nya shouted. "Ow. My head." Kai says. "Kai! Are you ok?!" Nya asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Kai says while hugging Nya.

"We need go to the Bounty!! Alex got electrocuted!!" I cried. "I thought she has lightning?" Lloyd asked. "I'll explain everything later!" I said as Alex was put in the medical room. "Jay wait out here with Cole and the others." Zane says to me while I sit down. "Alex is ok. But since your lightning power is strong for Alex it made her week. So she can't use her lightning power for a week." Wu said.  "Ok." I said looking down at the floor. "Jay are you ok?" Cole asked me. "No I'm not." I snapped. "Dude what's up with you?" Cole asked. "What's up? What's up is that you made me electric Alex!" I said. "Me?! How?!" Cole asks. "Your stupid powers made me hit her!" I yelled in frustration. "Jay... I... I'm sorry... I didn't... Know." Cole said. I snapped.

"I didn't know. I didn't hear! I forgot! That's all I hear from you! Can't you ever USE YOUR DAMN BRAIN?!" I yelled at Cole. I saw the hurt and sadness in Cole's eyes. He looks like that he's gonna cry. "Jay! He didn't mean to." Kai said while backing Cole up. "Zit it Mush mouth! I'm tired of you backing Cole up!" I yelled.

"Don't talk to Kai like that you jerk!" Cole said. "Shut up Cole! You stupid brat!" I said as I pushed Cole. He fell to the ground. Everyone gasp. All eyes were on us two. A tear slip down Cole's cheek. He quickly wiped it off. I felt kind of awful. "I can't believe we're fighting!" I said. "Yeah me too." Cole said. "Sometimes I feel like your not perfect for Alex!" I yelled. "I wish you would just shut up about me giving you my blessing so you can purpose to Alex!" I yelled.

"Sometimes I wonder why we're still fighting when we can stop talking." Cole answers about to walk away. "Sometimes I wonder why we're friends!" I yelled. Cole's eyes widened. Then he started to cry.

"You know what?! Fine! If y-you d-don't want m-me t-to purpose t-to A-Alex t-then I-I won't!! If you don't want to be friends anymore then just say it! No. Never mind I'll tell you! We're not friends anymore! There better!? Here! *throws ring box*, take it! Since you don't want me to purpose to Alex! Don't you ever speak to me again!" Cole said as he ran upstairs slammed his door.

Everyone turned to look at me. "What?" I snapped. "Seriously? Dude he's your friend! Your just gonna let him go upstairs and cry?" Kai asked. "Well yeah." I said. "What kind of friend are you?!" Kai asked me. "What kind of friend is he?! He made me hurt my sister!" I yelled. "That's your power you need to control it!" Kai yelled. "I do. It's just if stupid Cole didn't tr-." I said as Kai tackled me to the ground. "AHHHHH!!!" Kai yelled. "What the hell are you doing?!" I asked. "Kicking your butt!!" Kai yelled. "Why?" I asked. "You... Made... Cole... Cry!!!!!!" Kai yelled while using his fire power.

Wait a minute is this really coming from Kai? He... Cares... For... Cole? He never cared about Cole. Or has he just been hiding it from us? I'm not saying Kai is gay or anything cause he's not but does he care when something happens to us?

"Ow! That's it!" I shouted as I was about to punch Kai. "ENOUGH!!!" Wu shouted. "Enough fighting both of you!" Wu shouts. "Yes Wu." I said. "Sorry." Kai said. "Alex would like to see everyone." Wu said. I happily ran to Alex I saw her in bed. I ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged back. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah." Alex said. "Where's Cole?" Alex asked. My eyes widened as she said... Cole. 

"Jay made Cole cry!!!" Kai snitch. "JAYSON JEREMY WALKER!!!!!!" Alex yelled. Uh oh I'm in trouble. I had my eyes shut when she yelled my full name. I opened them and turned to her. She was mad dogging me. "Yeah?" I answered. "What were you thinking!!!" Alex yelled. "What?! His stupid powers made my power hit you! I thought you were dead!!" I yelled.

"That doesn't mean to hurt Cole's feelings!!!" Alex said as she slapped me. "Ow! Alex!" I complained. "Yes it dose." I answered. "JAY!!!!" Alex yelled. "Ok. Ok. I'll go apologize. "Good!" Alex yelled. "Brat!" I yelled. "King Kong!" Alex yelled. "Man!" I complained.

Ok so maybe I do feel a little bad for hurting Cole's feelings but... He deserved it....

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