Bad Enough

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Kai's POV
Ok so... Jay told me how the argument started so... Now... Jay might get his butt kick by Alex. I'm not telling her. Jay is... I don't know when but he's gonna do it. But um... Yeah. Nya and Lloyd are trying to find a way to find Cole... If there's a way.

"I found the answer!!!" Nya yelled. "THE CURSE REALM!!!!" Lloyd yelled. "What?" Zane asked. "The Curse Realm. That's where Cole is at!!!" Nya explained. "Is he alive?" Wu asked. "Yes!" Lloyd said. "Excellent job my nephew and student." Wu said. "Thanks." Nya and Lloyd said. "Well... What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Nya said. "Alright let's go!" Lloyd said. "Wait!" Zane yelled. "What is it Zane?" Wu asked.

"If Cole is at The Curse Realm then... How do we get there?" Zane asked. "CRAP!!!!!" Lloyd yelled. "The Realm Crystal was destroyed remember?" Nya asked. "Yeah." I said. "So... Now what?!" I complained. My students come here." Wu said. "Yes Wu?" We all said. "You can try a way..." Wu said. A way!? What is he talking about this time?! "What do you mean?" Nya asked. "You... My students have... Powers. Right?" Wu said. "Right." Lloyd said. "So.... If you use your powers and say the spell then we might get in." Wu said. "What is it called?" Zane asked. "The Circle Of Elements." Wu said.

"You're barely telling us this NOW?!" Jay complained. "Yes." Wu answered. "Ok. It's worth a try." Nya said. "Agreed. Let's go." Zane said. "Where should we do The Circle Of Elements at?" Lloyd asked. "Living room?" Jay suggested. "Yeah. Ok. It's big enough." Wu answered. "Ok. I got Alex!" Nya answered. "Let's do this!" Alex said. "Skylor, can you do Cole's?" I asked. "Yeah. Sure." Skylor said. "Alright Ninja. .. Go!" Wu said. "Earth! Fire! Ice! Lightning! Water! Energy!" We all said.

Just like that a purple portal opened. "Alright before we go in, if any of you are r-." Wu said. As Jay and Alex jumped in the portal. "YAY!!!" Jay and Alex said as they jumped in the portal. "Oh my god." Lloyd said. "They're not afraid to do stupid things." I said. "Whatever let's go!" Wu said. We jumped in the portal and it was like a roller coaster.

It went up and down, side to side. It was so fast and scary. We reached to the bottom. We all passed out for 5 minutes. We woke up two minutes later. I felt dizzy. Only for a second. Everyone woke up. "That was AWESOME!!! Let's do it again!!!" Alex said. Jay groaned in pain. "My stomach... Uh oh.." Jay said. "What's wrong?" Alex asked. "I... Don't... Feel... So... Good." Jay said. Jay got up held his stomach and turned around and barfed. 

Alex was comforting Jay. She was rubbing his back while Jay puked. "I was trying to say if any of you are Roller coaster sick then you would have to stay." Wu said. "But you two just jumped in!" Lloyd added. Jay was still puking.

"Jay might be puking all day now." Wu said. "Ok. So let's go." I said. Jay stopped puking. He sat down. Alex sat with him. "You guys go on ahead. We'll caught up later." Alex said as Jay put his head on Alex's shoulder. "Ok. Be careful." Nya said. "We will." Alex said.

"Wait. How come your not puking?" Zane asked. "Cause I'm not Roller coaster sick." Alex said. "Jay is." Alex added. "Ok. See ya." Lloyd said. "Bye." Alex said as Jay fell asleep on his little sister's shoulder.

Wu's POV
Well Jay is now sick. And Alex is going to stay with him. I still can't believe that Jay and Alex would fo that. Well... What can you say? There siblings. They're gonna do crazy and stupid things together. They're lucky that they didn't switch bodies. Me and my students were looking for Cole.

"Are we there yet?!" Kai complained. "Not yet!" Nya yelled. "This is going to take forever!" Kai complained. "Patients my young student." I said. "I don't like patients!" Kai whined.

"Whatever! Let's just find Cole!" Nya said. "Fine!" Kai growled. We made it. Finally. We all saw Cole. "COLE!!!" Everyone said. Cole was just standing around looking for a way to escape. "Guys?" Cole asked. "Hey! You're ok!" Lloyd said happily. "Yeah. I guess I am." Cole said. Just as everyone was hugging Cole. Alex came. "I win!!!" Alex said.

"Alex?" Cole asked. Alex turned and saw him. I saw the sadness in her blue eyes. "Cole?! You're ok!!!" Alex said as she hugged him. "Yeah..." Cole said. Alex's eyes widened when she realized what she is doing. So she pulled away. "Good to see ya again." Alex said. "You too." Cole said.

"Um... We should get going back home now." Kai said trying to make it less awkward. Just out of nowhere Jay came. "Alex... You CHEATED!!!" Jay complained. "Snooze you lose bro." Alex said as she smirked. Cole's eyes were full of anger. "I'm not going back home now." Cole said. "Why?" Skylor asked. "Cause... Him." Cole said as he pointed at Jay.

"I'm sorry Cole." Jay said. "You just watched me die!! You didn't even FREAKIN HELP ME!!!" Cole yelled. Cole was angry. He had his hands in fists and teeth clenched. "Ok. Ok. Break it up. Cole you have to come back home." Alex said. "Fine. But I'm not talking to you." Cole said giving in. "Ok. As long as you're home." Jay said.

We came back home. Cole ran to his room... What was that about?! "Um... What the heck." Jay said. "Cole! Are you gonna eat?!" Zane asked. "No." Cole replied. Strange... Cole always eats when he comes home from anywhere he was at.

I don't know but... I hope stuff between Cole and Jay aren't gonna be Bad Enough....

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