The End Of The Ninja?

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Nya's POV
Well.... Ok so.... Avery is dead,  Lloyd is dead, Skylor is dead, Zane is dead, and now Pixal too. So it's only me, Kai, Jay and Alex left. Four survivers left.... One Yandere... Alex snapped she's now mad. She's training like crazy. She's stabbing the dummy. Shooting it with Lightning. Kicking and punching it as if it's Cole.... I decided to clean up Zane and Pixal and take them to the medical room. Just like where Lloyd and Skylor are....

Alex came with me. "Alex it's fine, I'll be ok, Cole is probably up in his room asleep." I said to Alex. She shook her head. "Just because Cole is gone, that doesn't mean that he'll come back... I learned that a couple of days ago." Alex said. I knew who she was talking about.... Lloyd....

So I gave up and let her come with me. Jay and Kai... I have no idea what they're doing now.... Anyways we were in the kitchen cleaning stuff up. I'm sorry but I'm a clean freak. Alex on the other hand... Is like Jay. She'll clean the next week.

She's not a clean freak like me, she likes messes. I don't. I'm not judging her or anything but she was cleaning... Fast. To my surprise we were done fast. We just relaxed for a minute. Alex was eating a ham sandwich.

I was just eating a salad. Alex was looking at the window. Cole sealed it shut.... We were of course at Destiny's Bounty. So.... Not enough houses so people could here us.... I forgot where we are at. To be honest.

"Do you think that Cole is going to stop?" I asked Alex. "No. I won't stop Nya, but thanks for the question." Some familiar voice said.... It was Cole... Uh oh....

Alex stood up on the table and shot lightning at Cole. Cole jumped Alex missed. She shot again Cole ducked. "STAY STILL SO I COULD SHOOT YOUR FACE!!!" Alex yelled at Cole. "I'm sorry bae. But I can't let you do that." Cole answered.

He grabbed Alex and threw her to the storage room. Cole then locked the door all I could hear was Alex cussing and her shooting lightning at the door.

No one's POV....

Alex kept kicking and punching the door. She was doing her best to break the door down. She even used her lightning powers to break the door down nothing happened. Meanwhile with Nya and Cole, Nya was scared, she backed away from Cole. She didn't know what to do.

"What do you want?" Nya asked in fear. "To take away Jay's happiness!' Cole yelled. He charged his scythe at Nya. Nya ducked and Cole hit the fridge. Nya used her powers and shot it at Cole. Cole got wet but that didn't stop him.

Cole grabbed Nya by her arm and he pulled her to his chest and was about to cut Nya's throat until a fire ball came and hit Cole. Cole fell to the ground.

It was Kai and Jay! "Leave Nya alone!!!" Jay yelled. He shot lightning at Cole. Cole fell to the ground. Jay opened the door and Alex was free. Alex and Jay hugged each other. Jay kissed his little sister's forehead.

"I should of came with you I'm so sorry." Jay told his younger sister. "It's ok. I'm ok. Nya's ok." Alex told her older brother. Just then Nya screamed Cole had Nya's neck ties up to a rope and she was standing on a chair.

"Make on more move! Then your sweet Nya won't jump and die." Cole warned. Kai, Jay, and Alex didn't move. Cole let Nya go, Jay and Kai hugged Nya. Maybe that was a bad idea......

A scythe sliced Nya's head in front of Kai, Jay, and Alex. Blood splattered everywhere. Nya's body fell to the ground. Nya's head rolled in front of Kai and Jay's feet. Alex just screamed. She was scared. Upset.... Cole just laughed.

Kai's eyes.... They were dark... Red.... Fire.... Jay's eyes... They were dark blue.... Lightning.... They're both charged up..... To kill a certain Yandere.... Cole....

Alex got mad. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! KILLING NYA LIKE THAT!!! DUDE!!! I HAVE ONLY THREE MORE DAYS LEFT AND YOU KILL ZANE, PIXAL, AND NOW NYA!!!! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! JAY LOVES HER! KAI LOVES HER! I LOVE HER SHE'S MY SISTER!!! WHY? NYA MAKES JAY HAPPY! AND YOU TAKE HER AWAY FROM JAY!!! WHY?" Alex yelled. Her eyes were full of lightning. Her fists in her silver lightning. She zapped Cole really bad. Kai shot sixteen fire balls at Cole. Jay shot seventeen lightning strips at Cole.

"Because Jay took my happiness.... So I took his away too.... Now he knows my pain... Now we're the same huh Jay?" Cole asked. Jay was quiet... He knew what he was talking about....

Alex.... His little baby sister.... Cole's lover.... Cole's ex.... Cole's heart.... Cole's everything.... Her loves her... Jay tries to hide it.... But he can't... Cause he knows as much as Kai dose.... Alex is Cole's everything...

Alex grabbed Cole by his neck. "Why? Why are you doing these crazy things?" Alex asked. Cole laughed. "Oh Alex..... Don't you remember?" Cole asked. Alex looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked. Cole smiled at her evilly. "Love Makes You Do Crazy Things." Cole answered. Then just like that he disappeared into dust and left Alex confused.

Kai fell to the ground and started to cry. Jay hugged Kai and started to cry as well. Alex just looked at Nya's body. She felt sick. She felt like she was gonna throw up. She didn't but she fainted.

Jay ran up to Alex and caught her bridal style. Alex closed her crystal light blue eyes. Her long light chocolate brown hair fell to her side. Her freckles just stayed on her cheeks nothing happened. Jay panicked and took her to the medical room and laid her down on the bed.

Kai and Jay sat on the couch. No one said anything...  No one could.... Kai and Jay started to cry.... Nothing could stop this madness. Nothing could....

This is already bad enough.... Is this... The End of The Ninja?....

*gasp* Nya! No!!!! Poor Nya! Poor Kai! Poor Jay! What do ya think happened to Alex? Is she ok? Is Jay and Kai ok? What's up with Cole?!

Alex has three more days and he kills Zane, Pixal, and now Nya! What's up with him?! Jeez!!!! So... What's going to happen next? Find out in next chapter! Bye! See ya! Stay Awesome!
-Nae nae :)

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