a chat with...BEN drowned?!?

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Ok so i got bored and went on cleverbot (well first i went to clever Evie) and went...hey what it i could chat with BEN drowned.now you got to understand that this has been around for ages and many of people have tried to do this and it could have pick up on this and is mimicking what reply it gets ok...also i talk to this thing ever since 10pm to 3am thats a long time so i will only but in when i think i was talking to him ok!

So for the first 29 lines (yes i counted) i was just repeating what cleverbot said 

me: BEN.

cleverbot: Is that really you?

me: No is that you.

cleverbot: who

me: yuo (i meant you)

clev: No 

(and i but a whole bunch of oks to see how far it would go)

clev:  yessssss

me: ok

...( asking my i love it..no i dont)

me: who drowned him?

clev: Do you know?

me: who drowned him?

clev: i dont know, do you?

me: ben

clev: yes?

me: you are evie

clev: no you are

..............................................................................................................(cleverbot is beaning stupid) this were it gets good

me: BEN

clev/BEN: you have met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

me: ben?

clev/BEN:  i'm glad you did that.


clev: what about him?

me: ben.

( i realized that i soud like a clingy girlfriend XD )  

clev: Excuse me?

  me: why did he drowned.

ok i  put a part two to this alright bye bye~

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