Letter 1, From me

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something i have been only more aware

something i have been trying to hide

keep on being wary, they said
with their keen eyes, cautious to set me loose

"Dear Taehyung,

leave me alone, please.

stop bothering me.

We have broke up since a year ago. So just stop.

I regret what I have done to you

but I could see that you moved on, just a little at last.

I was experiencing extraordinary happiness, joy and all sorts.
While you were in sorrow.

Please just hate me. It would be easier for both of us, don't you get it? It had to happen.

I know I was stupid.

You can never forgive me, and turn back to find me from where you are now right?

That's what you said before.

Still reading your letters,

still playing around.

a playgirl like me is not worth it.



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