Chapter 1

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The night sky was clear but there was a low lying mist with an uneasy feeling in the air outside the castle walls. The Daimyo was sleeping in his room when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door to see one of his messengers bowing with an envelope in his hands. The messenger stood his back up to face me and spoke in a soft voice "sorry to disturb you my lord but i have an urgent letter for you my lord" he handed me the letter "thank you, you may leave" i thanked the messenger, the messenger bowed again and then left. 

The letter was from Tomi the Shogun, he wanted to see me in 3 days but the meeting place was at his place in Edo it would take me 2 days to travel to Edo i would leave in the morning so went back to bed to get a good night sleep ready tomorrow i was going to wake my wife to tell her but she looked so peaceful i decided i tell her in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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