4. Catching Up

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I left the park shortly after meeting Graham. It took me forever- I had to push through the pain in my arm with every shove of the wheels that it took to roll back to the parking lot. I'm pretty sure that I hurt my arm worse than I had originally thought. I was almost to the parking lot when I saw a group of giggling girls walk by. Looking closer, I saw it was Sam and a few of my other friends. 

"Hey! Sam!" I wanted to find out why she hadn't visited me. She turned around looking surprised, and her eyes widened when she saw me. She came rushing over, followed by the rest of her group.

"Brianna! What happened? Ohmygod are you okay?" I was a little confused. She hadn't even heard I'd had an accident? 

"I got in a car accident" I explained. 

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! My phone hasn't been working I had no idea where you'd been! Why do you need the wheelchair? Did you break a leg?" She looked genuinely concerned, and I felt a little better about my empty chairs in the hospital.

"No, I had to have spinal surgery and it didn't go well. My legs are paralyzed." I said it with a blank face, refusing to get upset now.

"Oh, Brianna, I'm so sorry." The whole group looked at me with pity. Sam looked almost disappointed, like I'd let her down somehow. "Well I hope you're feeling better! We actually have to get going, but we'll see you soon, kay?" Sam gave me smile and a little wave, and they turned around and continued on their way. I frowned at her abrupt goodbye, but brushed it off and wheeled myself the rest of the way to the parking lot. By the time that my father finally came to pick me up, (which, if I may add, was thirty minutes late) I was cradling my arm in my lap, wincing whenever it moved. I can't believe I let that imbecile get away unharmed.

"What's wrong with your arm?" My father questioned gruffly when I tried and failed to get myself into the car.

"Oh, ummm...I hit a rock and tipped over. I landed on it and I think I hurt it somehow."

He muttered something under his breath, but came over to help me into the car nonetheless.

"I guess we'll make a pit stop at the doctor's office on the way home, then."


Turns out I just bruised my ulna or something like that. All I know is it's some bone in my arm. Still hurts like hell, but they didn't do anything for it, just told me to go home and go easy on it, maybe take some aspirin, which I did. That night I slept like a baby.

Lying in bed staring at the wall currently tops my list of most boring activities. I was so restless, but it hurt to move around, since that required the use of my stupid arm that so stupidly decided to get itself hurt. I woke up this morning and it was even more sore than yesterday. Eventually, after seriously considering stabbing myself in the eye with a fork for fun, I grabbed my phone off my bedside table. 

I scrolled through my contacts, finally landing on Sam. I hesitated (and by "hesitated" I mean "stared at her name for ten minutes") before finally sending her a message that just said "hey". After waiting a few minutes for a reply that probably wouldn't come seeing as her phone wasn't working, I tossed my phone back on the table, resigning myself to the fact that the rest of today would be exceedingly boring.

Not ten seconds later my phone buzzed. And I, of course always the perfect image of poised and collected, lunged for it so fast that I almost fell on the ground, and knocked the table over trying to prevent it. After securing myself safely back on the bed, I quickly tapped on the message.

Sam:  Hey, I'm kind of busy I'll talk to you later.

I sighed. I couldn't help feeling like she was avoiding me. We've been best friends since the 6th grade, when she pushed Rob Ritter over because he wouldn't stop pulling my ponytail. Sam was the one person I would have expected to be there for me, but I guess she wasn't always reliable.

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