The definition of beauty
Is a narrow lane
Only slim figures fit in
For others it's a total bane
If you think
This is really great
Then I have nothing
To say to you, mate
For the ones who believe different
There is something wrong
For I believe
Beauty dances to a different song
So, stop punishing yourself
Trying to conform to these standards
In this ugly world
You are only making blunders
Like a product
With same size, shape and weight
This stupid beauty definition
Will lead us to nothing great
Think of a world
Where everyone looks the same
Nothing unique and interesting
Is this what we want to claim?
So, listen up
You the beautiful one
I have something to tell
This is not intended to be a pun
In this fucked up world
You the Imperfectly perfect one
Who has been shunned
Know, you are the beautiful one.
Whispers of the heart
Poesíaa collection of poems on love, struggle and random stuffs. this would also include some quotes, life lessons etc.