(Neil is Little Ant and Hayden is Little Dec and Mel is Hayden's mum and Lisa is Neil's mum)
It was just after the show , and Ant and Dec were saying thank you to the crew and the staff, when Ali turned up beside them , holding out a phone towards them both.
"Its for you"
"Cheers Ali" said Ant
He put the phone on speaker as the crew had disappeared and the audience had left.
"Hello ?"
"HI guys it is Lisa and Mel"
"Hi guys, what's wrong"
"Mel's car crashed in a snowdrift and we can't get down to pick up the boys. Can you look after them until we can get down. The fastest we can get down is in three hours."
Ant and Dec listened to this and decided between them.
"Well do you want them to come and sleep over at Ant's house. Ant has two guest bedrooms and it would be easier if you don't have to worry about them"
"Really! Would you guys be okay?"
"Yeah! We have nieces and nephews about their age that we have over sometimes so I am sure we will be fine .Are you guys hurt in any way?"
"Nothing except for a few scratches and bruises .This drunk crashed into us at a roundabout. Thank you so much guys! We can't thank you enough!"
"No worries! See you soon and hope everything is okay!"
"I'm sure it will be! Thank you again guys. See you soon!"
"So" Said Ant "We have two kids to pick up then"
As they walked to the boys dressing room, all they could hear was them squealing with laughter.
When they walked in the boys were in a full scale pillow / tickle fight.
"Woah boys, what are you doing?" said Dec
"Waiting for our mams to get here."
"Well boys your mams aren't coming tonight because they got into a car crash but they are fine"
"okay. Where are we gonna sleep tonight then?" asked Neil
"You guys are going to come home with us for the night" said Ant
"Yay!!!" they both replied
They told the boys to stay there and went to talk to Lisa to see if she wouldn't mind if the boys stayed.
"Lisa, we were wondering if Neil and Hayden would be able to stay the night because their mums were in a car crash and they can't come to pick the boys." said Dec
"Are Lisa and Mel okay?" said Lisa
"Yeah they are fine just a few bruises and scratches. Apparently they were hit by a drunk at a roundabout as there is a snowdrift up there."
"Okay well the boys are welcome to stay round the house. The bed in the smaller guest room can split into two singles, so I will do that and they can sleep together."
"Oh that's great Lisa."
Just as she said this, Ali walked into the room. Ali and Lisa were like sisters as Ali knew Lisa from when she started dating Ant as Ali was the boys manager.
"Lisa why don't you spend the night at mine and let Ant and Dec look after the boys as the boys don't know us very well."
" Why not? I don't have anything to do in the morning" said Lisa
Little Ant and Dec stay over
FanficThis is a total fiction and is inspired by anthonyanddeclan's story. Neil is Little Ant and Hayden is Little Dec.