12 - I Just Needed Comfort

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I Just Needed Comfort

I can't believe him. How could he be so nice to me? After everything I've done, he's taking me shopping for new clothes and other things, letting me live with him over the summer, completely free of charge. I was so rude to him. But he's so nice. Nicer than I thought he would be. He had this weird dominating undertone though. That was a little creepy, to be honest. But in a way, it was kind of sexy? I think? I'm not really sure what sexy really meant to me. But judging by the way it sent shivers down my spine and I immediately listened to him, I would say that it was at least subtly sexy.

I felt the car stop and my thoughts traveled away from the current situation, bringing my gaze to look at the black haired man sitting in the seat next to me. His gaze traveled to meet mine for a moment before turning back to the road in front of us.

"The shops are a little out of the way but they have good quality for a good price." He spoke. My eyes traveled his body, looking at every detail. A red checkered button-down adorned his chest, accentuating his slim build and muscular arms. Black jeans hugged his legs, shifting to show definition in his muscles every time he pressed down on a peddle. I looked down at myself, the black shirt with an eclipse on it. I looked underdressed compared to him. I hope that was okay.

The car finally stopped in a lot and Phil shut the car off. The two of us got out and I followed him to the shop. For some odd reason, something inside of me was tugging to grab his hand and just hold it, maybe I just needed comfort... yet I didn't grab it.

Phil led me inside and over to the men's section of the fancy shop. Suits adorned the hangers and walls everywhere. "We're getting you two suits. I also need a new one, it will match one of the ones you decide to get." He spoke, resting the palm on his hand on my back. I nervously gulped and nodded, my eyes fleeting around the area to see if anything caught my eye. Out of the corner of my eye, a hideous silver suit shimmered, drawing me to it. I started walking to it, like it was calling my name. I don't know if I liked it, or if I was internally laughing at the idea of Phil wearing a matching sparkling suit.

"This one. I want you to match this one." I said quietly, picking up the silver tux, looking at him. His eyes widened and he scoffed.

 His eyes widened and he scoffed

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"You can't be serious. This?" His playful voice came back. His face softened when he looked at my pleading face and he sighed. "Fine." He looked around and settled on choosing an equally hideous gold suit. "We aren't wearing these to dinner tonight. These are for the future." Phil pulled out our sizes and nudged me to the dressing rooms to try on the silver suit while he found me another suit to wear. I made sure the suit fit before stripping back down to my boxers. A black suit was thrust into my dressing room quickly and I took it, acknowledging the fact that Phil didn't have a terrible sense of fashion. He had handed me a velvety black tux with a marble black and white shirt to go under it. Attached was a black bowtie.

I slipped it on and stepped out, looking at Phil

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I slipped it on and stepped out, looking at Phil. He glanced up from his cell phone, eyes raking over my figure. "Perfect." He said. "It suits you perfectly. Change out of that so I can pay and we can go get you more things. I nodded nervously and ducked back into the changing room. I hate relying on people for things, but this didn't really feel wrong to me, which was worrying. I put the suit back on the hanger once I changed out of it and stuck both of them out of the curtain. Phil took it from my hand to go pay while I got back into my clothes. Once my street clothes were on, I stepped out and went to where I think the register was. I saw a mop of black hair peeking over the racks and went over to it, thankful that it was actually Phil's head I was using as a guide. When he handed the credit card over to the cashier, my heart had a little pang. I honestly hate people paying for me, but I hated Phil paying slightly less. It still made my heart hurt, but it was manageable.

Once Phil finished paying Phil turned and saw me. He walked over to me, handing the bag over. I took it with a (rather fake) smile, turning to go walk out. "You don't need to fake a smile around me." He says quietly, almost upset. "I want to see your real emotions. Not pretend ones you think you need to hide behind. You forget that I'm connected you from the inside, in our hearts. I can tell that you're not okay." He put his hand on my back and kissed the side of my head before leading me out. As much as I wanted to flinch away, my head tingled where his lips met my skin, and not in a bad way.

We put our suits in the trunk and got into our seats, ready to go to the next store. Phil drove as I silently looked at our surroundings. We weren't driving for long before we parked again and went shopping. He bought me many things, my heart dropping and feeling guilty every time something was rung up.

The price was high. Very high. But Phil, he just handed over his credit card without batting an eyelash and signed to slip with a flourish of his wrist. (A/N ;) )

When we left, Phil's eyes were shining brighter than I had ever seen them, almost as if he was a kid in a candy store. The multiple bags were put in the trunk and we were seated, on our way to his apartment.

I had no clue what was in store for me, and I'm not sure I was ready for it. 


Teaser: Dan finds a 'secret' of Phils, and they share a heart to heart, it made me cry not gonna lie.

To get an excerpt of chapters just follow me and make sure you get my notifications! That's where I post the challenges and since no one replied this time, just the people who voted for me will get it :)

I tried to make this half decent but I don't think I like this chapter.


Last chapter I was thanking you guys for 7K and I've gone up 2.9K since then so thank you guys so much!

I'm thinking of maybe running a contest for either one of your guys ideas to be put into the story or for one of you to be put in! Comment which one you would like if you want :)

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