Epilogue - I Do

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~June 18~


(Listen to the song if you want, it's Dan's wedding march. I couldn't get a YouTube link so I hope this is works)

There's nothing more nerve-wracking than standing behind a set of closed doors, knowing that my fiancé is on the other side. I haven't been allowed to see him since two days ago due to how old-fashioned he is, and I'm so antsy to see the love of my life again. Today is our wedding, and I couldn't be more stressed. I was breaking out, my curls were out of control, I couldn't find my suit this morning! Luckily I have Zoë and her best friend Louise, who has quickly become one of my best friends as well. They were helping to keep me calm through the stressful day. Louise's daughter Darcy was running around the room, her little flower girl dress swaying around her body, the trim following behind her. Louise rubbed my shoulders to relieve tension while Zoë put makeup on me to cover the breakouts that were covering my face.

"Everything will be perfect Dan." They both continued to assure me. No doubt, PJ and Chris were doing the same to Phil, who was likely to be panicking more than I am. Neither of us are good in social settings, and here we are getting married in front of all our friends and family. We hired a photographer to capture the moment so we could make an album to cherish this day forever.

Despite their desperate attempts to keep me calm, I started breathing heavily, my vision becoming blurry as I started having a panic attack. Apparently, I kept crying for Phil between my ragged breaths, who came running from the altar to come calm me down.

"Shh Dan it's me." I heard his voice faintly, my hands pressed around my ears to try and decrease the noise sensitivity. His hands gently held onto mine, knowing how to deal with each type of panic attack I get. Louise and Zoë left to go calm everyone who was sitting, assuring them that the wedding was still on and I was just getting nervous.

Phil continued talking to me, his gentle voice slowly calming me down, my breaths slowing down and eventually steadying out. "There we go baby." He kissed my forehead, though nearly missed. I looked up and through my blurry vision, I could see he had someone's tie around his eyes. I realized that he didn't want to see me until I was walking down the aisle. Even when I have problems, he wants to stay with the tradition. I just wanted to see his blue eyes. The same blue eyes that tell me everything's okay even when it's not.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered quietly. "I'm ruining our perfect day. I always ruin things, but now I'm ruining the most important day of our lives."

"Don't say that." Phil snapped slightly. "This won't ruin anything. It's just a little knot in a string. We can still have our perfect wedding. I have to go back now. I'll see you in just under five minutes." I went to go kiss him and he pulled away, seeming to know what I was trying to do. "Don't try to kiss me. I want our first time kissing today to be as husbands. I love you." With that, Phil got up and turned around, dropping the tie before going back to where he was standing previously. Chris and PJ sent the girls back to me, the two of them wiping the tears away from under my eyes. I got up and dusted off my jacket, fixing it on my torso. Zoë handed me my bouquet (Phil and I thought it would be funny) and I stood to the side while the doors to the altar opened. Darcy started making her way down the aisle, tossing little dark blue petals. Her black dress sat on her body and made her look adorable. Kineti trotted alongside her, carrying a small basket that held our rings.

 Kineti trotted alongside her, carrying a small basket that held our rings

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