Acting Normal

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"Elisa, you are being sent to Earth." Those gruesome words echoed around the plain white room, the throne room. My father, the king of Eondrea, a planet that has gone undiscovered for decades and lies on the rim of Earth's galaxy, has now made it onto my hate list.

In the past few months, there's been rebels that are attempting to murder anyone with power, but more precisely me. The uprising started when I was born, and it only got worse as the years passed. You would think that they would be thankful, because every Eondrean gains a special, unique ability when they find their soul mate, their other half. Recently, angry citizens of Eondrea attempt to pass the guards surrounding the castle to try and get a swing at anyone with authority. However, my father told me nothing about what was happening around us.

I'd be lying if I said I was excited to go to Earth. Most of the world is murky polluted water, and the small portion of land is filled with destroyed buildings and cities. The wildlife has been ruined on Earth, but in Eondrea, we cherish nature and use it in ways that are handy for the people and the nature itself. It seems difficult, but with the proper technology it can be done. Also, I have no clue how my father plans on concealing my looks, my Eondrean look. It is our culture to dress the way your personality is, and in Earth it's 'important' to dress to impress.


I'm sorry but it's for your protection. Be thankful, because I am allowing two of your close friends to go with you," my father spoke, interrupting my thoughts, "Devia, your stylist, is waiting for you in your room to attempt and change you to what humans like to call fashion."

Giving no reply, I turned on my heels to stomp out of the throne room. My heels clacked as I stomped on the pearl white tiles. Once a silhouette made its way into my view, I knew exactly who it was. The annoying clacks only got worse as I ran over to embrace Theo. Theo is my brother from another mother. When he was younger he was brutally abused by his father because he was created by his mother cheating on his father. His mother did nothing but sit in the corner watching her son get beaten and weep. There was no way to keep him away from his 'father' because it was quite clear Theo wasn't his child. Theo was an African American child while his father was a buff white business man. My father stepped in when he was notified by Theo's teacher that there were bruises always covering his body. Later on, the verdict stated Theo's parents were guilty and granted my father custody and Theo grew up to serve as a guard of Eondrea to show his respect to my dad. Sometimes I see hurt flash through his eyes, but he has improved and became my brother from another mother.

"Did you hear the news?" He questioned happily.

"Yes, but I'm not at all as excited as you seem," I stated hesitantly.

"Why not? Didn't your pops tell you that I am coming with you. By the way, your creeper, Liam, is coming with us also," Theo shared the news in a whispered tone, barely able to control his happiness. Immediately, I shrieked in joy. The trip to Earth will have flaws, but I am going through it with two of my best friends. I met Liam when I was playing hide and seek outside as a child, he was the one to end up finding me and claimed me as his new friend. Ever since that one day we have always kept in touch; even though, the security of the castle that I live in is very strict and sometimes doesn't allow Liam through the gates.

After I was released from Theo's embrace, a pinching sensation exploded on my shoulder. Turning around, I slapped the person as a reflex. Noticing the blond hair, I knew it was Liam. I thought he knew not to sneak up on me, I have been taught defense lessons in case anyone tried to sneak and harm me. Murmurs of pain left Liam's lips when his eyes met mine.

"Wimp," Theo covered with a cough; however, it was quite noticeable.

"Hey there, Elisa!" Liam shouted, forgetting the fact that I just slapped him.

"Why does everyone seem so enthusiastic about this trip?" I asked stupidly. I mean, no one would want to go to Earth, there was no reason for it. Why not Mars or Jupiter, or something other than Earth? Maybe a place without humans or any life forms.

"It's practically a vacation! In this planet all we have to do is the same thing over and over, the same culture, we learn nothing new, but when we go to Earth, that will be totally different! There we could learn something about a whole other world in general," Liam spoke while swaying on his feet.

"Oh no, I forgot! Devia is waiting for me; have to go guys. Meet you at the teleporter!" I shouted, while sprinting away. After all, our technology is so advanced, even though it may have a few flaws, we have mastered creating teleporters all over the galaxies. It would be seconds after I stand on the teleporter and I'll reach the teleporters landing in the United States of America.

Glimpses of guards were barely seen while I was running through the halls of the castle. Often they would yell for me to slow down, but no way would I do that. After all, I was already about ten minutes late. I slammed open my mahogany bedroom door to witness the bright blue walls the invaded my eye sight. Right in the middle of my room, stood my stylist. Devia's hair was bright pink and about waist length. It was pretty obvious that she loves what we call style, because her right shoulder had silver vine-like lines that were all connected. Her face looked mutated, for it had abnormally long eyelashes and bright red lips. Nowadays, I am not sure what is good looking, because everyone I have seen in my lifetime, except Liam and Theo, had an odd sense of style.

"Come on, darling. We have no time to spare," Devia stated, giving me a crazy look. Am I the only one who looks somewhat normal on this planet? She guided me to sit on a designer chair while she pecked and poked at my face. It felt as if I was being turned into someone who is abnormal, the tugging at my eyebrows and eyelashes were insane, the okay looking clothing could be dealt with, and she even went to the extent of scrubbing my body down with fragrances! Hours passed until I was finally looking like a human. As I glanced into the mirror, I noticed my chestnut hair was down to my chest and my formal clothing was changed into a tank top and shorts. Peeking over my shoulder was the beginning of a patch of birds that were tattooed into my shoulder blade. I was given permission to get one tattoo as long as I still looked formal and decent. Luckily, the tattoo barely passed the test. "Alright, now off you go. The King said you were to be sent right to the portal room after you were finished. Don't worry your stuff has already been settled in America," she continued and ushered me out of my room.

I had enough time to slip on my odd looking sandals, then walked quickly to the portal room. Many highly recognized citizens stopped me to say goodbye and all I could think about was that time was ticking. Hopefully, I won't have a lecture before I leave this place, because I'm not sure I will make it back alive! What if I slipped down the stairs? What if a dog attacked me? What if- I had to stop there to prevent myself from worrying farther than I have already. Liam and Theo stood patiently besides the portal that would take us to the horrible world, called Earth. My father walked up to me with open arms, waiting for me to step inside of them. Taking the hint, I was soon engulfed in my father's arms, once I step through that portal, it will be forever until I could get another hug.

"Okay," my father sniffled hesitantly, "We have to let you go. Be safe. Theo don't let anything happen to her! Liam keep her happy at all costs!" After a series of yes sir, I shared my last goodbyes.

Then I stepped on the portal that would lead me to Earth.


Hope you guys/gals liked it! I would love your feedback for improvement!



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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