Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven (Zaid's POV)

The next day, it rained.

It poured down to the earth heavily, making large puddles in the backyard. I watched from the kitchen window as the puppies danced around in them, splashing each other and barking happily without a care in the world while I sat at the table, watching with a frown.

Holly was washing dishes, humming gently as she swayed her hips to whatever song was in her head. Lars had come in moments again, giving her a kiss before he left on a hunt with everyone else.

Only Breece, Holly, Jack, and I were left at the house. Well, other than the pups.

The house was silent, except for the pitter patter of rain on the windowpanes and roof. The sky gently grumbled thunder, but no lightening lit up the sky. Breece sat on the porch under the shelter of the roof as he watched the pups play for another half an hour before he called them in to bath them before a nap.

I looked up at Holly as she washed the dishes.

"Holly, do you happen to know anything about Hunters?" I asked, although, I rathered doubted it. The silence was deafening and I was so unbelievably bored that I swore I was about to just throw myself in the fireplace, so at least I'd have something to do and I could leave the house to douse the flames.

Holly dried her hands off, turning to face me with a tired smile.

"You're so curious, Zaid."

"I have to know as much as I can. I'm going to inherit the pack, aren't I?"

"That's true... Honestly," She sighed, "I don't know too much about Hunters. Only what I've read in stories and heard from my grandmother. They're just dangerous humans who think we're some sort of devil creation. I also heard that there is a type of Hunter called a Searcher. I'm not sure if this is my just crazy grandma telling me this, but a Searcher is a type of Hunter that does crazy rituals and experiments on our kind. They try to extract our magic, our life force, our auras. They're sort of like really creepy doctors or scientists, but I'm not sure that's true or not, so don't quote me on it."

"Do you think there's a Searcher amongst the Hunters in town?" I asked. Holly shook her head.

"No. According to your father, the Hunters in town are just out to kill us. And there's only two of them, so personally, I don't believe there's that much danger. Your father is planning to have a meeting with the other packs in the area to discuss our next move." She explained calmly. I nodded slowly, but said nothing more.

I needed to do something. Anything.

I sighed and started to rise to my feet as Holly turned to do the dishes again when she gasped.

"What?" I asked, turning to see her panting, her hand grasping her belly.

"Z-Zaid. Zaid, my water broke." She managed shakily. I stared at her.

"Uhm?" Shit.

"Zaid, help!"

"I don't know what to do!" I panicked, hurrying over and wincing at my sore ankle as I struggled to keep Holly calm as she gasped for air, gripping the counter. I tilted my head back away from her ear.

"Breece! Breece! Holly! Her baby's coming!" I howled, my voice breaking at the end as I helped Holly out of the kitchen. No more than a few seconds later after I called him did Breece show up, easily taking Holly and leading her into the living room where he let her lie on the floor.

"Zaid, get blankets. Blankets, sheets, and a towel," Breece commanded me firmly, "And do it now!"

I didn't waste another second. I ignored the searing pain in my ankle as I went to the closet in the hallway, throwing the door open and ripping out towels and sheets. I managed to find a knit blanket before rushing into the living room again to see Breece stroking Holly's forehead as she groaned in pain, gripping his hand in hers.

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