Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen (Zaid's POV)

Things were becoming mostly normal after that first night when I woke up and I was back home.

Blood Rain and Luna had combined already. Chores were divided up and it gave me more time to spend with Scythe. I was thankful for that and the fact that no one made a comment on my relationship with him. I knew it was because Scythe probably just glared at them, daring them to do it, but that was fine by me. I didn't want to hear about how this was a mistake.

It wasn't.

Scythe made me feel like I wasn't a weakling, like I wasn't pathetic or abnormal.

Which explained why we were now training in the backyard. I had asked Scythe to teach me. I needed to know more. I wasn't about to let someone do something to me again and I had a strong feeling that Jack was somewhere nearby, waiting to jump me again. Only next time, he was going to be in for a surprise.

Pay attention! Scythe ordered and I looked up as he lunged at me, his jaws snapping at my face as his ears laid back against his head. I dodged out of the way, whirling around and ramming into his side to knock him off his feet. He easily rolled across the grass onto his feet again, giving me this wolfish smirk.

I rolled my eyes, bowing my head to lunge at him again when I suddenly felt my stomach lurge. I blinked and stood up straight. My blood felt hot, boiling as it coursed through my veins. I felt dizzy and sick.

Shit, not this again.

Break. I told him. Scythe nodded and let himself change back into a human. He walked to the picnic table, grabbing his clothes, then paused after his jeans were up when he realized I hadn't followed.

I was afraid to move. I felt sick and hot, heavy. I very carefully lowered myself to the ground on my belly, my ears laying back as I panted, my tongue lolling out. I fell onto my side to breath.

"Zaid!" Scythe dropped his shirt and went straight to me, kneeling down beside me.

"Zaid?" He asked, patting my cheek, then running his hand along my side, his fingers raking gently through my fur. I panted for a moment as my temperature cooled. I took a deep breath, relaxing as Scythe stroked my fur, leaning down to nuzzle behind my ear. I looked up at him and lifted my head, licking his face. He smiled, but I could tell it was forced.

"Come on, let's go inside and sit you down. Trisha will make us Chamomile tea to settle you." He said, backing away and giving me space to change back. It felt slower than usual, but I finally managed to become human again, struggling to get to my feet. Scythe put his arms around me, helping me up as he led me to the table where we pulled our clothes on.

We went inside where the smell of lunch being made filled the air and my stomach growled. I felt like I hadn't eaten in years. The strange thing was that ever since I'd come back, I'd been eating at least two times my weight, but I hadn't gained any.

"A side effect of the drugs." Lars had told me. Morphine was extremely addicting, so it was probably the reason my body felt off lately. I prayed it was gone by Saturday so I wouldn't puke in the middle of my ceremony. I shuddered at the thought, heading into the kitchen and sitting at the table as Scythe asked Trisha for some tea. She nodded timidly, avoiding my eyes as she brewed it.

"Hopefully it'll calm your stomach enough and we can go do something a little less violent." Scythe offered as he sat down across from me. I raised an eyebrow, resting my chin in my hand, my elbow on the table.

"Like what?"

"Ah, I have an idea. Dirt bikes."

"Dirt bikes?"

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