This Is Me

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So basically here is my story:

I was born and raised in this little town in Louisiana. I don't know if I should put the town name. Maybe I'll add it in later. Anyways, for most of my life I read. Growing up, my parents were in college and were always away. (not in a bad way it's just they wanted to have a good education good job, blah blah blah). The point is that I was raised by my Grandma and she thought reading was God's gift to man. And I kinda agree. So yea she walked me and my older brother Greg to the library almost every day. we'd stay till lunch, walk across the street to McDonald's, then go back till around 6. It was The Life.

I just realized you're probably not very interested in my boring childhood so to sum it up I was the quiet bookish nerd girl who was in Gifted and Talented Math by the first grade and was always making straight A's because my mom was always like "Since you're black people are going to automatically think you're dumb. You need to prove them wrong." And prove them wrong I did. I finished elementary school with setting a record for most books taken and 6-years a Honor roll. Suck on it racist people. So yea. I for got to say that this elementary school that I went to was extremely white. There were maybe 10 out of the 150 people in my grade hat were black, me included.

Then Junior High happened.

Tell me how I did.

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