Junior High

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So you know how I said I went to an extremely white school? Well junior high was extremely black. And no one told me.

So my first year. 7th grade. It was probably the second best year of my life so far. I made tons of new friends. People like Maya, Alexis, Sadie, and sooo many others. I rekindled my friendahip with a few others like Cam, Kayla, and Sarah. Yea. My girls and I are the bomb.

So I start out 7th grade as a very white black girl. Cam, you understand. Quickly, very quicly, I find out that this is school is much different. Now I'd like to add that im basically a sponge. (SpongeBob is my homie) I absorb new information quickly. When people started asking me if I followed the black people stereotypes, I had to learn what those stereotypes were. Things like black people eat watermelon and fried chicken. But my coolio bestfriends helped me understand these things. 

Nearly killed a few teachers that year (jk. almost) Mrs. Terrell you were a psychotic lady and I'm so glad you retired. Ms. Sons I dont even know. Go away. Ms. Cicero you were crazy. Maybe literally. Ms. Bee you had good intentions and most of the time I like you but those other times I am ready to punch you in the face. With a baseball bat. On fire. Wrapped in TNT. yea.


On a happier note, I had an AWESOME party thanks to my aforementioned friends. I'm currently eating one of my gifts. ^.^ That's it for now I guess. I know it's short but I can't think of anything else. Leave suggestions below.


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