i can't live with you Brandon.

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Brandon's POV

We have been in the hopsital for 3 days now.  Taylor really wants to go home, she misses home, her room and just she doesnt like the hopstial ethier. Katylin has been getting better without Callie but still likes her there most of the time. She is getting to be a daddy's girl more, since Callie hasn't been able to spend anytime really with her because she is still getting use  to the kids and even me. we have talks evreyday at diffrent times and i tell her what life was like , the little things i remember that made me laugh and smile. One i told her is when Taylor , Me and her were having dinner and She told her the story about how Biscuts and Gravy became  her favorite food.  Like mother like daugther.  I enjoyed the time we got to talk, i tresured evrey minute of it even more then before this happened, because since that happend ive come to a relization. Callie Jacob, means so much more to me then i thought before this happend. When she wasnt alive, i was in so much pain and i didnt want to live anymore. It was like someone had shot me in the chest.  No life is a life without her.  Callie has also told me today that she could go home tomorrow. i was thrilled, me and Taylor had the biggest smiles on our faces when she told us.  " but where is home" she then asked me. " your coming home with me Callie" i say. " no i can't that is agienst the law isnt to have a baby with your foster brother and then live with him, like thats a double no ?" she says to me.  " well where do you want to go? i ask her. " i want to go back to Juvie or just talk to someone, i sure as hell can't live with you"  she says.  She then goes to the desk to use the phone to call her probation officer.  She is on the phone with him for a while. i can hear her yelling and saying " NO  IT ISNT TRUE THIS GUY IS JUST  TELLING ME IT IS"  and other stuff like that. Soon she gets off the phone. " Take me to Girls United" she tells me. I ask what it is and she tells me it is a group  home and i say yes being the friend i am.

ooooo idk i wanted to inculde girls united in here so....

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