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Literally the shitty-est writer of all time. Slow ass updates. Barely decent chapters. Pretty cliche story line. But what can I say. I love a good cliche fairytale. Sue me. Anyways, forgive me for being slow. Somedays I have motivation to write and don't have a way to write. Most days I have zero motivation and serious writers block. I barely have motivation to do school work. I have a satanic 6 year old brother who likes to harass me. Hella family members to take care of. My life is hectic and I'm moving soon. Hella depressed sometimes and then other times I'm hella happy. Probably have bipolar disorder tbh. Yes I'm typing in text form I know. Cringey. But I'm on my phone in the middle of chem and if that doesn't tell you how hectic my life is I don't know what will. Anyways I'm a shitty writer. Gotta blast. Please forgive me.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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