Misunderstandings °Part 1°-Doug x Frey

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Tan fingers drummed against the countertop in an attempt to get rid of the owner's boredom.

Man, was it boring  during rainy days in the general store. There were hardly any customers on these days. The red-haired dwarf sighed.  "...and Granny Blossom still makes me work..."

Suddenly, the ringing of a bell was heard, signalling that a customer had just entered. Pushing himself off the counter, Doug
straightened up and plastered a smile on his face, prepared to greet the customer.
What he wasn't prepared for, however, was the green beauty standing in front of him with a gorgeous smile.
The dwarf stepped back, startled by the sudden appearance. His cheeks soon became rosy as he gave the youbg woman in front of him a look of mock anger.

"Geez, Frey! Can you at least, you know, give me a heads-up next time?" he pouted.
The princess giggled in amusement. "My bad, Doug!" Silence. "So...looking for something in particular?" Doug asked.

He felt his heart melt as the young woman turned her gaze to him. His legs began to shake in nervousness.

"Actually, Doug,I...I wanted to tell you something."
She paused for a moment, and looked at him to see if he was paying attention. To which he was. Her heart pounded faster by the second.


Doug gulped. 'Well, shoot. I'm busted.'

"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU SWING THAT WAY!!!" she shouted.

The dwarf tilted his head in confusion. "What?"  The green-haired Earthmate stared at him.
"W-well...um...I overheard you talking with Dylas the other day...and--"

Doug choked on his saliva, coughing. "Y...you heard that?!"he whispered. Frey nodded with a sad look on her face. 
"I'm sorry Doug, but I went to go visit Dylas and, you happened to be having a conversation with him...and...I didn't know you felt that way..." she told him softly.

The dwarve felt time go in slow-motion. She had heard him?  He felt idiotic. She had heard him. She had heard everything. 'Well,' he thought, 'I might as well tell her. It's now or never.'

"When did you..." The words died off the young woman's tongue.

Doug felt his ears turn hot as he turned his gaze to the floor. "...Since the first day we met, I guess..."

Frey pondered on his words for a moment. "So...you've both been...hiding your feelings for each other...?"

His head shot up at this. "What? Why are you referring to yourself in third person?" That sounded very odd coming from Frey.

Frey raised a brow. "Referring  to myself in third per--are we on the same page here, Doug?" she asked.

"What do you mean? I don't know who the hell you're talking about, but I'm talking about y--" Realization dawned on him.

"Wait...did you hear...that part?"
" "That"part?"
The dwarf pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"T-tell me what you heard, Frey."
The green-haired female fidgeted in embarrassment. "I...I heard you...confess your love to Dylas."

"WHAT?!"  he screamed. He ran to the front of the store. He grabbed a brown paper bag, emptying the contents of his stomach.



To Be Continued...

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