Chapter 7;

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"Hey! Hey, 'Protect And Serve' My Ass!'' screamed out Noah at the passing Cops as he ran towards the girls who sat on the steps of the police station.

Paisley and Emma sat dazed on the steps, their minds rushing with the memory of their friends blood surrounding her body. They were pulled out by the sound of Noah Foster, the late Riley's new squeeze. Dry tears stained her cheeks and her eyes fell shut at the yells of the distraught boy.

While she and Riley weren't exactly the closest in the group, they were still friends and losing a friend so early in life to murder is something that will take a long time to get over.

''Where Was he? She was right here!'' Noah belted out.

''Noah! Breathe.'' Audrey said as she gripped onto his arms while her eyes glanced over at the brunette

He looked around himself until his eyes landed on the two girls who sat on the steps.

''Where Were You? You two were right here with her the whole time!'' He yelled, pointing at them in accusation.

Audrey pulled him back and tried to reason with him. But not before Paisley stood up and began yelling back.

"OH YEAH! And where were you Noah? Huh? Shouldn't you have been with her? You think proving you cared about her will help you cope? Try and remember she was our friend forever and you JUST started speaking to her. So don't yell at us when you have no real right to! Do you understand me?"

She stared up at Noah; her eyes full of fire and anger towards him yet there was still sadness that lurked in them.

Noah turned his head and looked at Audrey wondering what he should do.

"NOAH!" Paisley yelled gaining his attention once again. "Don't look at Audrey. She can't help you. Just answer my question, do you understand me?"

Noah nodded his head towards her and backed away slightly. Paisley then sat back down on the steps next to Emma and began to grieve a long side her.


Paisley, Brooke and Emma all walked into school the next day side by side with people obviously staring at them. Paisley drifted away from the girls and went to her locker to get her books.

After retrieving her books she shut the locker door and who was standing there. Audrey Jensen.

"Hey I was just wondering how you were." She said as she played with the strap of her camera.

"I'm great." Paisley replied though Audrey could see the pain in her eyes.

"Are you sure? You looked distraught." Audrey said pressing on trying to reveal the truth from Paisley.

"Audrey listen, I'm great. In fact I'm better than great. I am good." She said slipping in a Friends quote to lighten the mood between them.

Audrey, despite the situation laughed at the joke.

"Oh by the way, I never got an answer off you." Audrey said to Paisley speaking of the question in the library before they kissed.

Paisley looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

The short haired brunette smirked at her slightly. " Well I'll elaborate for you, shall I? I'm Bi-curious, what are you?"

Paisleys eyes opened wide at the memory of the conversation in the library. She used her teeth and pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth and began gnawing at it slightly.

"Well, I don't know Audrey, I haven't really had a chance to think about us. What with all that's going on right now here in Lakewood." She said hoping that Audrey would let her go and give her some more time to think about it.

Audrey looked at her in shock. "Us? As in 'you and me' us? That us?" Then became slightly dazed trying to grasp on to what Paisley had just said

Just as she spoke, the bell rang throughout the halls indicating that they had class to go to.

Seeing as they were both in the same class first Paisley reached her hand out and grasped onto Audrey's and began pulling her with her towards their classroom.

"Audrey I promise, just give me some time and I will give you an answer." Paisley yelled back to Audrey as she kept walked ahead.

Behind her, Audrey let herself pulled as she whispered to herself "Us. She said us, right?"

So I won't be posting for a while now. I have one week left of school until my exams which are stressing me the hell out. That's at least 2 weeks and then I maybe forget as summer starts lol. So I don't have any more chapters written and I don't know when I'll get to writing again so please be patient!!

Don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know what you think! Next chapter will be up when there are some votes and comments!

Twitter: @weaktrujillo
Instagram: @megsaveragelife /@screamforbex

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